Timetables & Academic Calendar
Timetables are available online. Please regularly check your timetable for updates.
Your timetable will show what is to be delivered on campus and what will be delivered remotely, and this will vary depending upon which programme you are studying. In order to access all areas of the campus, including where any teaching may take place, you will need to have collected your I.D. card from the library building after you have completed the enrolment process. NB. Your enrolment receipt is required.
Any on campus activities have taken social distancing guidelines into consideration, therefore you may have been allocated into a smaller group – please check which group you are in before travelling onsite.
For those timetables which do not have scheduled sessions please contact your Programme Leader who will provide you with the relevant information.
If your timetable is not listed or other timetable queries, please contact timetables@glyndwr.ac.uk
For reporting an absence to scheduled sessions or covid symptoms/diagnosis following on-campus activity please contact studentabsences@glyndwr.ac.uk
Academic Calendar
View the Academic Calendar here.