Welsh Language
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 established a legal framework to impose a statutory duty on public bodies in Wales to comply with standards of conduct on the Welsh language. It recognised that there are two official languages in Wales- Welsh and English. This means Welsh must be treated no less favourably than English.
The standards aim to improve the bilingual service that the people of Wales can expect to receive from organisations in Wales. The University is committed to making a positive contribution to the development of the Welsh language and to adhering to the Welsh Language standards. This page outlines some of the services you can expect to receive from us in Welsh.
We demonstrate our commitment to the standards and state how we will comply with them within the following policy and guidance documents:
- Welsh Language Policy
- Welsh Medium Academic Strategy (CYFLE)
- Welsh Standards Compliance - Concerns and Complaints Guidance
- Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for the year ended 31.7.18
- Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for the year ended 31.7.19
- Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for the year ended 31.7.20
- Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for the year ended 31.07.21
- Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for the year ended 31.07.22
- Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for the year ended 31.7.23
- Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for the year ended 31.7.24
As part of our commitment to the Welsh standards we will:
- Treat the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language.
- Encourage Welsh speakers to take advantage of the services they have the right to receive from us in Welsh.
- Facilitate the use of Welsh on the campus.
- Provide awareness training to all staff about the Welsh Language Standards.
- Support members of staff who require assistance with the Welsh language.
The standards that are relevant to Wrexham University are listed in the Welsh language standards compliance notice from the Welsh Language Commissioner.
We are required to comply with the standards listed in the Compliance Letter under the following themes:
- Service Delivery Standards
- Operational Standards
- Policy Making
- Record Keeping
The University intends to comply with the Standards in accordance with the expectations outlined in the Compliance Notice and recognises the importance of providing a bilingual service. We adhere to the principle that, in the conduct of our business, we will treat Welsh and English equally.
The University is required to produce an Annual Report detailing how it has complied with the relevant standards, click here to view.
For more information on the Welsh Standards please contact the University Senior Compliance Officer and DPO.
The services Welsh speakers can expect from us
- We welcome correspondence and telephone enquiries in Welsh and will ensure that all correspondence received by the University in Welsh receives a reply in Welsh. Writing to us in Welsh will not lead to a delay in responding.
- Our circulars, standard letters and centrally produced publications will be published bilingually.
- Our centrally produced publications and printed materials will also be bilingual.
- All the University's web pages and intranet pages will be available in Welsh and English.
- We register and maintain a record of the language preferences of our regular correspondents and communicate with them using their preferred language.
- You are invited to use Welsh at public meetings
The services students can expect from us
The University works with its Students Union and with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to support students in using the Welsh language.
Learning through the medium of Welsh
The University is fully committed to sector-wide developments in relation to Welsh-medium provision. We offer a growing number of modules which can be studied through the medium of Welsh across subjects such as Occupational Therapy and Education. Welsh-speaking academic staff offer subject-specific tutorials in the medium of Welsh, and students are encouraged to access Welsh-medium placements which the University can facilitate.
Pastoral care
You can ask for a Welsh-speaking personal tutor, provided there are Welsh-speaking members of the teaching staff in your subject area. If there are no fluent Welsh-speaking academic staff members in your area, an appropriate member of staff from within your faculty will be asked to tutor you.
Students are offered the opportunity to submit their assignments in Welsh and can access Welsh language proofing tools on University computers to facilitate this.
These arrangements are subject to any national or professional body guidance, regulations or QAA Guidance.
All of our central communication to students is in their preferred language.
Students are invited to apply for accommodation which is specifically set aside for Welsh speakers in our halls of residence.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the University's Welsh Language Standards, please contact the University Senior Compliance Officer and Data Protection Officer tel: 44(0)1978 290666 email dpo@wrexham.ac.uk.