A student’s guide to making friends at University

Let’s face it – moving to university can be nerve-wrecking, especially if you don’t know anyone and/or are moving away from home. I am Matt, a current student at Wrexham University, and thought I’d put together some suggestions and tips on the best ways to make friends and meet new people whilst at university.

Give it a go…

University will provide you with lots of new opportunities. These opportunities can be great fun and will help you meet new people and learn about their experiences. I think that if an opportunity is there, give it a go! Sometimes pushing yourself outside your comfort zone can be a great thing as it can help you to build your confidence around new people and situations.

Join a sports team or society!  

I joined a sports team at university, and it was honestly the best decision - I have made so many friends because of it, and I’ve had the opportunity to go around the country exploring new places which has developed my confidence. Societies can be a great way to meet new people who have common interests with you. Even if there isn’t a sports or society that you like, why not start your own!

Grab a course mate after a lecture for a coffee

Grabbing a course mate in between classes for a coffee can be one of the best ways to start learning more, make meaningful connections and have a general chat. I have found this to be most successful if you are a student that commutes or missed welcome week.


Simply smiling at someone can make starting a conversation much easier. Try not to get too worried about people not wanting to talk, as most people are eager to meet new people and make new connections.  

Take your time 

Sometimes it takes some people longer than others to make new friends and connections at university and this is totally fine! There is that many people at university from all different walks of life that it’s almost inevitable that you will eventually find your crowd. Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t found your mates at the end of freshers’ week - there really is lots of time and opportunities for you to make connections whilst at uni.

- Written by Matt, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy 

If you’d like more tips and tricks on settling in and making friends at university, chat to one of our students.

Alternatively, come and speak to our staff and students in person by attending one of our upcoming open days. We look forward to seeing you there!