From Northern Ireland to Wrexham: A student study journey

Criminology books

Chelsea McClure is a Criminology and Criminal Justice student here at Wrexham University. After finishing her A-Levels, she decided to take a year out to work and experience life outside of education. This decision helped her realise that she wanted to take the next step and further her education.

Making The Big move

Coming all the way from Northern Ireland to study is a big step, our inclusion services was a factor in her choosing to study here. She said: “I was very impressed with the university’s inclusion. I felt that I mattered, they not only care for my education, but for me as a person. You are cared and supported for every step of the way, from the beginning of your course to the very last day, there is always someone there to help.” 

At Wrexham University, we believe that higher education should be available for everyone. We have our inclusion team on-campus to support students should you need help or assistance. 

Campus Atmosphere

Our campus atmosphere and industry are further factors of why Chelsea made the journey to Wrexham. “It’s a lively and social campus, everybody knows everybody, and you are never stuck for making conversation with anyone. That along with the kind and knowledgeable lecturers, the exciting and interesting modules, to the amazing friends I made throughout our three years together. All the above have made my experience of the course so enjoyable.

“Not only has my knowledge grown, and my education taken to the next level, I feel I am a better person in many ways. I am more confident, more self-assured, and excited for the next stage in my life, more so than ever before.”

Joining A Society

In her first year, Chelsea joined the Criminology society, which she has now taken co-ownership of with two of her friends. She said: “We plan many social events for students from all over the university as we aim to be inclusive to all staff and students and are very grateful for the praise and support, we have received so far”

When asked if she would recommend the university: “I would 100% recommend Wrexham to all prospective students because it is never too late to achieve your dreams. This university will care and support you all the way and help you through your worries and doubts to help you achieve your personal and educational goals.

“They have been very helpful in preparing me for the next stage after education, there are always events and staff throughout the year to help and guide you for life after university.”

University Experience In A Quote

A question we like to ask all students and graduates, can you sum up your Wrexham experience (so far) in a quote? – Chelsea provided a quote from her favourite band, Abba: “I have a dream… And my destination, makes it worth the while.”

“Thank you to all staff and students who have made my time at Wrexham so far a memorable and unforgettable experience. I am very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to live and study at this amazing university”

Explore our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Criminology & Criminal Justice degrees at Wrexham University. 

Visit one of our Open Days to speak to staff & students, take a campus tour and learn more about the course.