Studying a Media degree at Wrexham and the career opportunities it has provided

student pointing at chinese characters for hello outside a building

It is really hard to explain why I chose Wrexham University, as I think it’s not that I chose this university, it’s that this university chose me.  

Before coming to Wales 

If I try to explain my move to the UK, I would like to describe it in Chinese way, “因缘际会”. It means “everyone meets because of the laws of the sky”.  

I had two important exams and studied in a very good arts university for two years before I came to Wales. Back in China, I live in a beautiful city and have some good friends, so I had a comfortable circle. But I just felt that I wanted more when I turned 19, I wanted to change my life, so I decided to seek out advice from my teacher at the Institute of International Education. They suggested that I should try being an exchange student and study at Wrexham University.  

Starting university 

Even though I had gone through my course in China for two years, the study experience at Wrexham was different and made me excited about my studies. 

There are so many opportunities to be a real media worker through my course. I have already worked as a camera operator in Focus Wales and the graduation ceremony for the university. Everything has made me love my degree more, and the useful feedback from lecturers also keeps me engaged and cheers me up. 

students walking through reception in cap and gowns

As an exchange student, I must admit that my English is not very good, but every classmate and lecturer is super kind and is happy to help. Even though I have come to a strange country, and I’m in a completely different cultural environment, I never feel lonely or helpless. 

Work experience 

During my last personal tutor meeting, my tutor asked about my plans for the summer, and I mentioned that I wanted to find an internship at a broadcasting station. 

With my degree, I have been able to make this come true as I am currently working as an intern director of a TV program in one of the best TV and broadcasting stations in China. I am very satisfied with my life, even though I have a lot of work! 

My days are very full, but I still make sure I have time to do the things I enjoy, like going to concerts and musicals. 

Why you should study at a university 

I believe that university education provides students with an opportunity to find a good job related to your course, like I have done with my studies in China and my course in Wrexham. We are so young when we apply to university and it’s hard to find an area that you want to commit your whole life to. For me personally, I knew that I wanted to study Media Production as the media sector is an integral part of people's lives and there are many jobs available to graduates in this area. 

I also think that you can work in other fields after studying this course, as it isn’t a particularly specialisd course, so there are no limits. I think my course is like a chair that can be used well in any position, so that I can sit on it in a relevant field, and it will remain stable for me to sit on in an initially unrelated field of work. With new ideas or unfamiliar environments, I can stand on it and work with other people's professional perspectives to achieve good results. 

I don’t want to limit my future because I think life is my personal wilderness. I can do anything if I want. Now I want to be a director, I am also currently a student ambassador with the university, but I also want to be a teaching assistant on a movie director course. I like the idea of being a scriptwriter, a musical theatre director, a teacher, there is a lot I could achieve with my degree. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I am still excited to explore it and feel prepared for what’s to come.  

student smiling in front of city

We hope you have enjoyed Yu Wu’s perspective on our Media Production course, make sure to check out our course page to find out more about our degree without limits and be part of something special!