World Teacher’s Day: The profession of progress, achievement and pride

I never intended to go into teaching when I began my higher education journey. I studied English Language and Linguistics with a minor degree in Education Studies. In all honesty, the education studies element I only discovered I had to do on my induction day. Despite this, it was one of the few lucky opportunities which led me on my path to becoming a teacher.
My first taste for teaching
During my summer break at university, I was hired to teach English to groups of Spanish, French and Italian students. A job I took, not because I wanted to get into teaching, but more because it meant I could work outdoors and go on trips with the students; as opposed to continue with my job in the call-centre. It was here though where I really did start to see the fun and challenge that comes with being a teacher.
I worked in the evenings to prepare classes that would engage the students, combining my passion for music and drama with the planned grammar activities for the students. The satisfaction of seeing these lesson assist the students as well as the enjoyment they got from the experience, really helped to cement the idea that maybe teaching could be my future career.
When I returned to University after the summer break I gained part-time employment writing for a local entertainment magazine, my original planned career. The buzz from the classroom though was always there, however I was of the belief that having made my decision to study the course that I did then the possibility of being a teacher was gone.
I completed my degree and though I had some career plan carved out, I was never sure as to why I wanted to do this role. I had always felt that a career or job should be something that serves a beneficial purpose and at that time, my job was not providing me with this feeling.
My breakthrough
One night, out walking the dog through the campus at Plymouth University by my accommodation, I saw an open evening for the PGCE programme. With encouragement from my partner, I entered, sat at the back of the auditorium and heard the news that I had wanted to hear. My opportunity for teaching was not missed and I could join a course that would give me the chance to serve a purpose. I enrolled that evening and three months later began my post-graduate degree in post-compulsory education and training.
Though I never intended to go into teaching, I don’t believe that I ever understood or saw the reason as to why teachers do the job in the first place. I have spent my career teaching in a range of institutions and education settings, including homeless shelters, prisons, army barracks, Further Education Colleges and now here at Wrexham University. In all of these settings though, I have seen people achieve personal goals they never felt they would meet. I have seen student’s progress from being nearly excluded from education to working as teaching assistants and support staff for students with similar backgrounds. On a few occasions, I have also been able to witness the pride of a family when a loved one steps up onto the stage at the William Aston Hall and receive their much deserved qualification.
Education at WU
Teaching is about ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to show their value and share this with the people that matter most. Teaching is exciting and it is a challenge that makes you think and rethink; never repeating the same ideas over and over again- instead, evolving every week and learning new ways to be better at what you do.
Wrexham University is a setting where the teachers value these ideas; ensuring that they are embedded into everything that you do- ensuring the learning is relevant for your aspirations and allow you the chance to meet your future goals.
Here at Wrexham, we offer a range of Education courses. From working with children and families to additional learning needs to primary education and more. Explore our undergraduate and postgraduate course pages to find the right one for you so you can start your teaching journey.
Written by Julian Ayres, lecturer in Education.