Coleg cymraeg Cenedlaethol
The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol branch is responsible for developing the University’s Welsh medium Academic Strategy and its members collaborate fully with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to develop and promote Welsh medium provision at Wrexham Glyndŵr University.
Here you can learn more about the Branch’s academic and social activities, along with the opportunities available for students by becoming members of the Coleg.
About Us
Y Coleg Cymaeg Cenedlaethol
The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol works with universities across Wales to develop Welsh language medium opportunities for students. It funds Welsh medium lecturers and offers undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships for students to study higher education courses through the medium of Welsh.
The Branch
Wrexham Glyndŵr University is a great place to study, learn and live in and is only a stone's throw away from the town centre. Although the University can be traced back to the 19th Century, it’s a relatively new branch we have here at Wrexham Glyndŵr University!
The main building on the Wrexham campus is where you’ll find the branch office. Everyone is welcome to call in for a chat, get some advice or to ask any questions about the Welsh language provision here at the University.
The University work closely with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to develop and expand our Welsh medium provision, as we are dedicated to be able to offer more choice for students who want to study here through the medium of Welsh. Whilst studying here, you will have the opportunity to play a leading role in developing Welsh medium provision by being part of the University's branch meetings.
As a branch, we offer a variety of different activities throughout the year. The branch also work closely with the Student’s Union not only to organize Welsh language events, but also to make sure that everyone is aware of the opportunities available here at Wrexham Glyndŵr University. The branch is also a great hub for you to get to know other Welsh speakers here at the University.
You will be very welcome here at Wrexham Glyndŵr University so hopefully we will see you soon!
Contact the Wrexham Glyndŵr University branch for further information: cangen@wrexham.ac.uk.
Membership of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol is free of charge and open to anyone. There are four categories of membership:
- Prospective students
- University students
- University staff
- Associates
Anyone who joins as a university student or staff member will also become a member of the Wrexham University Branch.
To join, and to find out about the benefits of becoming a member, visit Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Advantages of Studying in Welsh
Here are a few advantages to using the Welsh language in your studies here in Wrexham Glyndŵr University.
Increase your Earning Potential
- Young people can earn more money as a direct result of speaking Welsh*
- Academic studies show that people with bilingual skills can earn a higher salary*
- People able to write (as well as understand, speak, and read) Welsh, can earn on average nearly 11% more annually*
- The fact that the Welsh language is an essential skill for many public sector posts directly impacts upon the salary prospects of Welsh speakers in Wales*
* Careers Wales Website
The ability to communicate confidently through the medium of Welsh and English, both written and orally, is an advantageous skill for the workplace.
- You'll have an additional skill on your CV.
- More employers in Wales are looking for graduates with strong bilingual skills.
- You will strengthen your chances of getting a job.
- More and more employers in the public and private sectors in Wales are employing bilingual staff as they certify it improves their business.
If you have the skills, make the most of them.
Here in Wrexham University…
Whilst this year there aren’t any specific Welsh medium modules to study here at the University, there are still several things you can do….
Submitting work in Welsh
- Students on every course in the University have the right to present their work to be assessed in Welsh.
- If you'd like to do this, you need to inform the University as soon as possible. This can be done through the Branch Officer or by contacting the Academic Registry.
- If the lecturer doesn’t speak Welsh your work will be translated into English (by a professional translator) and will then be handed back to the lecturer to be marked.
- You are also welcome to sit your exams in Welsh.
Go and talk to your lecturers, if there are any Welsh speaking staff in your department maybe...
- Academic tutorials or seminars can be held through the medium of Welsh. (Dependent on staff and the number of Welsh medium students.)
- You can discuss the work with the lecturer in Welsh.
- You can be assigned a Welsh speaking personal tutor.
Going on work experience where the Welsh language is used in the workplace.
Language Skills Certificate
A valuable opportunity to gain an additional qualification that proves that you can communicate confidently and professionally in Welsh in a variety of contexts.
Free access to the Digital Library
The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s Resources Library supports student studies on the Porth e-learning platform. The library contains 700 open digital resources across 24 academic subjects.
The library includes taster sessions, lectures, interviews, presentations, information leaflets and e-book versions of out-of-print Welsh language scholarly books. In addition, students are able to find additional resources by logging in to the library, e.g. 100+ archive programs from S4C.
Wrexham Glyndŵr University's Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Branch Officer is located in the Branch Office on the main building on Wrexham campus.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries or questions regarding the Branch or any other issues regarding Welsh medium provision within the University.
Branch Officer for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Wrexham Glyndŵr University
Mold Road
LL11 2AW
01978 293183
Email: cangen@wrexham.ac.uk