(Short Course) Improving Health Outcomes through School Nursing

Course details

Year of entry



8 weeks

Institution Code



Blended Learning

Why choose this course?

The Improving Health Outcomes through school nursing is a new course that has been designed to align with the new NMC SCPHN standards (NMC 2022 updated 2024).

This module aims to support students to develop person-centred and needs led school nursing practice. Students will explore the factors influencing human development, including the application of genomics and with a particular focus on the school aged child and adolescent. They will consider the use of strengths-based approaches to health promotion, prevention and early intervention in school nursing practice. They will draw on national legislation, public health frameworks and evidence to provide school nursing assessments including the early identification of atypical development, ill health or disability for school aged children and young people. Participation of children and young people in health decision making and service delivery will be considered at the heart of the decision-making process.

Within this course, you will: 

  • Systematically apply advancing knowledge of biopsychosocial development and identity across the life course to the delivery of needs led school nursing assessment and practice
  • Critically evaluate the impact of evidence, legislation and policy in providing a framework to support equitable and positive biopsychosocial, emotional and moral health for parents, school aged children and young people
  • Work in partnership to systematically communicate, plan and justify health promotion and early school nursing interventions, developing trusting relationships that empower and support school aged children, young people, families and carers
  • Critically evaluate access to and advocate for culturally sensitive support networks, school nursing practice and inter agency interventions for parents, school aged children and young people including those with atypical development and/or disability and/or other adverse experience/vulnerability

Key course features

  • Designed in alignment with the NMC (2022 updated 2024) SCPHN standards
  • Provides a unique opportunity to undertake Level 7 study prior to embarking on a Level 7 study programme – building confidence in academic ability.  
  • Provides opportunity for progression to the SCPHN programme as successful completion will enable the RPEL of credits into the SCPHN programme following successful application and interview
  • Delivery is for 8 consecutive weeks - Wednesday 09.00 – 16:00 hrs with a date for assessment provided from the onset
  • We adopt a blended learning approach through a range of methodologies such as recorded lecturers, discussion forums, quizzes, case studies, group tasks, key readings, reflection and necessary learning activity will be available on the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment on a weekly basis. 
  • Learning activities will incorporate reflection on children’s experiences and digital storytelling
  • Funding can be sourced for this module

What you will study

The Improving health outcomes through school nursing contains the following indicative syllabus:

  • Biopsychosocial, emotional and moral human development and genomics in school aged children
  • Rights and identity of the school aged child and adolescent
  • Neurodiversity. Communication development in school aged children and young people
  • Impact of adverse childhood experiences on the life course
  • Transition periods
  • Health assessment and surveillance in school aged children and young people, use of validated tools
  • Childhood measurement programme
  • Assessment of mental health
  • Nutrition and nutrition assessment
  • Obesity and eating disorders
  • Oral health
  • Sexual health
  • Childhood accidents
  • Strengths based health promotion and prevention, empowerment and advocacy
  • Minimising risk from adverse childhood experiences
  • Influencing positive behaviour choices in children and young people
  • Inclusive practice and reasonable adjustments
  • Health literacy
  • Social prescribing
  • Infection control, immunisation programme.
  • Managing allergies and anaphylaxis.
  • Medicines management in schools

To capture this content the following subjects have been devised:

  • Foundations of Development and Identity: Biopsychosocial, emotional and moral human development and genomics in school aged children. Understand the rights of school-aged children and adolescents and how this shapes identity.
  • Neurodiversity and Communication Development: Introduction to neurodiversity. Communication development in school aged children and young people.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences and Transition Periods: The science of ACEs and their biopsychosocial impact.
  • Health Assessment and Surveillance: Overview of validated tools and health and surveillance. Ethical considerations in health surveillance programs.
  • Risk Prevention/Reduction: Assessment and screening for various aspects eg. mental health, nutrition, obesity, eating disorders, oral health and sexual health challenges.
  • Strengths-Based Health Promotion and Advocacy: Principles of strengths-based practice and health literacy. Promote empowerment and advocacy through strengths-based health promotion. Influencing positive behaviour choices in children and young people. Support culturally sensitive and inclusive practices to minimise risks from ACEs.
  • Infection Control and Medicines Management: Infection control principles and immunisation schedules. Managing anaphylaxis. Medicine management in schools.
  • Integration and Advocacy in Practice: Critically evaluate the role of legislation, evidence, and interagency collaboration in practice.

Entry requirements & applying

Students will be NMC registered nurses (Level 1) or midwives with current professional registration and must be employed within the SCPHN service

Teaching & Assessment

WU adopt an Active Learning Framework (ALF) approach to teaching and learning.  This means that students are actively involved in learning and teaching is provided in a variety of formats drawing on the greatest learning potential. 

The teaching team adopt a blended learning approach through a range of methodologies such as recorded lecturers, discussion forums, quizzes, case studies, group tasks, key readings, reflection and necessary learning activity will be available on the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment on a weekly basis.

There is an expected 40 hours of teaching and 160 hours of guided independent study. 

  • Formative assessment: Students will present a school nursing assessment with a plan for an aspect of health improvement. Presentations will be made to a facilitated peer group with collective formative feedback
  • Summative assessment is a 4000 word  written case study.  The case study should be based on the health assessment and planned interventions aimed at reducing risk and improving health for a school aged child or young person. The chosen case study should enable all module learning outcomes to be met.

Fees & funding



Apply Now

To apply for this course, please contact postregadmissions@wrexham.ac.uk to request an application form.