Paramedic Science student in back of an ambulance

BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science Isle of Man

Are you interested in pursuing a career in Emergency and Urgent Care on the Isle of Man

Wrexham University are offering a truly unique opportunity for Isle of Man residents to join the September BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science programme in Wrexham while doing their practice placements at home with the Isle of Man Ambulance Service.

This unique opportunity allows Isle of Man residents to pursue their passion for paramedic science while enjoying the convenience of completing their practice placements closer to home.

The programme is a full-time course and delivered in blocks which will be either learning on-campus in Wrexham or practice placements where students will return home and support the care of Manx communities with the Ambulance Service.

This collaboration allows Isle of Man residents to study a Health and Care Professions Council Approved Programme which is also endorsed by the College of Paramedics. 

When at home on the Isle of Man, students will have full access to the learning resources availible at the Keyll Darree Health and Social Care Higher Education Centre. This includes all the same books and journals availible at the University.

An Accommodation Award of 25% discount for the 1st year of study is availible to all new students with a home address in the Isle of Man who apply for accommodation with Wrexham University.

Further information about entry criteria and the course can be found on the BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science programme page.

This is an eligible course for applicants to apply for Student Awards through the Isle of Man Government.

If you're interested in this programme, you can apply online or call our friendly admissions team on 01978 293439

Endorsed by the College of Paramedics

We are endorsed by the College of Paramedics – one of only 19 courses out of the 49 Paramedic Science courses in the UK.

Access to books and journal resources

Gain full access to the learning resources at the Keyll Darree Health and Social Care Higher Education Centre on the IOM as well as full access to the university library.

University accommodation discount

25% discount for University accommodation within their first year.

Local community support

An opportunity to contribute to the care and support of the Manx communities.

Why choose Wrexham University?

Our campus developments benefit new and current students as we enhance our campuses to ensure they have the best facilities and learning environment possible. As part of this, your students will have access to our cutting-edge Health and Education Innovation Quarter, including a bespoke Paramedic Science room, a simulation ambulance, and other clinical environments such as a Health Simulation Centre.

We have also invested in “Tŷ Dysgu”, a unique learning opportunity where Paramedic Science students can put the degree’s learning into practice in a realistic home environment. This new facility gives students the ability to simulate the conditions they will likely work in during clinical practice placements and throughout their career.

colin, nathan, maria in healthcare simulation centre

Be a name, not a number.

At Wrexham University, you are a name, not a number. Our Paramedic Science degree integrates students into the close-knit community that is Wrexham University. This close network with other nursing and allied health students allows for collaborative learning across disciplines. Dylan Vining, one of current our Paramedic Science Students said: 

“On the course, we work interprofessionally with the other allied healthcare courses, this allows us to build on our knowledge and interprofessional working throughout our studies.”

Student smiling coffee cup

Discover Wrexham, a home away from home. 

You may well have heard ‘Wrexham’ in the news recently. This is an exciting time to be part of the community, with the recent award of city status and the buzz around the Hollywood stars’ takeover of Wrexham AFC.

Boasting an idealistic location with a range of shops, bars, clubs and music venues with some of the world’s best beauty spots on its doorstep, Wrexham is sure to feel like a home away from home. No need to worry about finding somewhere to live, our purpose-built, on-campus accommodation boasts proximity to train and bus links, perfect for exploring the local areas of natural beauty, supermarkets, and the city centre.

Students walking past St Giles Church