Research at Wrexham Glyndwr reaches ‘world-leading’ standard

Date: May 2022
Wrexham Glyndwr University has been recognised for the quality of its research, some of which is considered world-leading by the UK-wide Research Excellence Framework (REF)
REF is an internationally recognised system which assesses university research over a seven year period, and provides a unique insight into the quality of its research.
The judging panel has five grades it can award ranging from Unclassified up to 3* for work of an international standard quality, and 4* for work that is ‘world-leading’ in quality in terms of originality, significance and rigour.
Of the four research areas submitted from Glyndwr to REF 2021, Social Work and Social Policy scored impressively across the board but particularly for a case study which was graded 4*.
This achievement comes at a time when staff who submitted in this area are setting up a new Social Inclusion Research Institute at the university.
Computer Science also saw an increase in the impact of their work compared to 2014 when the last grades were published, with 25 per cent of its submitted impact case studies achieving 3*, while Art & Design entered research for the first time achieving a 3* for a case study and a very creditable 2* overall.
The final area in which Glyndwr entered research was Engineering, with 9.1 per cent of the outputs being graded as 4*, world-leading, an increase on the 2014 grade, with 63.6 per cent rated 3*.
The REF provides a robust and thorough assessment of the quality of universities’ research in all disciplines, providing accountability for public investment in research and demonstrating the benefits of that investment.
Glyndwr was one of 157 UK universities that took part in REF 2021. Overall, universities together submitted more than 76,000 submissions from academic staff. Submissions included research outputs, examples of the wider benefits of research and evidence about the research environment.
Wrexham Glyndwr’s overall results represent progress since the previous REF grades received in 2014, which is welcomed by Professor Richard Day, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research).
He said: “It is fantastic to see part of our submissions graded as world-leading and of an international standard.
“I’m grateful to all staff who helped with the submissions but I am particularly pleased for those in Social Work and Social Policy, as those grades are outstanding considering we did not enter research in this area last time.”
“I’m grateful to all staff who helped with the submissions but I am particularly pleased for those in Social Work and Social Policy, as those grades are outstanding considering we did not enter research in this area last time.”