Wrexham Glyndwr University academic appointed to Welsh Government Youth Work body

Date: October 26 2022
One of our academics have been appointed to a Welsh Government board which aims to ensure that young people’s voices are heard.
Dr Simon Stewart, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Life Sciences here at WGU, has been appointed to Welsh Government Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board.
He said: “The work of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board is of significant importance for Wales, the commitment made by Welsh Government to the implementation of the Interim Youth Work Board recommendations establishes a firmness of purpose towards achieving a sustainable delivery model for Youth Work in Wales.
“This is a seminal juncture for Youth Work in Wales, and one that will support services to consistently serve the young people of our communities throughout the country.”
Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and Welsh Language, has made nine appointments to the Board, which will be instrumental in taking forward the recommendations contained within the Interim Youth Work Board’s report, Time to Deliver for Young People in Wales: Achieving a Sustainable Delivery Model for Youth Work in Wales.
Mr Miles added: “The Board will work closely with young people throughout its tenure to ensure that the voices of young people are central to its work, aligning with my commitment to place children’s rights front and centre of all our reforms.
“The co-chairs of the Young Persons Committee will join Board meetings to directly represent the views of the wider committee and there will be additional, targeted engagement with wider cohorts of young people.”
Dr Stewart added: “The importance of Youth work has long been in the shadow of service provision, however the previous work of the Interim Youth Work Board, and Jeremy Miles’ recognition that ‘Youth work is one of our most powerful tools for supporting young people to achieve their potential and live rewarding lives’, elevates further the profile of a vital sector.”
See Written Statement by Jeremy Miles for further information.