Wrexham Glyndwr University offers free online university skills preparation course to hundreds of students across the region

A free online course aimed at students whose preparations for university have been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic is set to begin teaching its first students next week – with many more set to join up.
The Confident Learner course will see its first cohort of students begin their virtual studies next Monday (April 13) with lecturers from Wrexham Glyndwr University – and is being offered to learners across the region throughout this spring and summer.
It is being provided entirely online by the university’s academics in a series of eight-week blocks from April.
Usually delivered face-to-face for potential students during the summer months at Glyndwr, the Confident Learner course been specially adapted for
its new delivery method as the university works to prepare potential learners during the coronavirus crisis.
Dr Sue Horder, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in Glyndwr’s Faculty of Social and Life Sciences, said: “At Wrexham Glyndwr University, we understand how difficult the past few weeks, and the coming months have been and will be for students, staff and families right across North Wales’ school system.
“With students sent home, studies disrupted, and exams called off due to the coronavirus crisis, the challenge being faced is vast - particularly by those students in sixth form or further education who are hoping to go to university this Autumn.
“So we have been thinking about how we can help students across North Wales - and beyond – face that challenge. We’ve adapted our Confident Learner course – which has already seen a great deal of success delivered face-to-face – so that it can be delivered fully online instead.
“Focusing on the academic skills needed to prepare for study in higher education, over eight weeks course participants will be given the guidance they need on essay-writing, study planning, well-being as a student and much, much more.
“When students complete this course, they will not only have a far better grip on the skills they need for university life, but also receive a certificate for 20 Higher Education credits at Level Four.
“Working with our staff and lecturers, we’ve developed enough capacity to deliver this module to all students in sixth form or further education across North Wales, wherever they are planning to study in the future.
“This course has one simple aim during the current crisis – to provide students across our region with the support they need.”
Wrexham Glyndwr University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Maria Hinfelaar, has already written to key education providers across North Wales to offer the course to their sixth–form students. Each has been asked to register their interest in their students participating, with the first cohort of students set to begin their studies online next week.
Further sessions – including Welsh language provision from May – are set to be taught later this year. Any student wishing to register their interest can also find out more about the course – and book online – on the Confident Learner course page.