
Nursing & Allied Health

The purpose of the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme is to provide financial support for students who are studying Health Education courses. The scheme is available to students who have been offered places on those relevant courses.

A full NHS bursary, including tuition fees and a non-repayable bursary for living costs is available to students across the UK and Ireland.

In the Top 10 in the UK and 1st out of Welsh universities for overall satisfaction on Adult Nursing

the funding will be available for new students that enrol on one of our healthcare courses between September 2023 and March 2024. Eligibility for NHS funding is subject to new students committing in advance to work in Wales for two years.

You do not have to be a resident in Wales to access the bursary scheme. You will need to commit to study in Wales for the entirety of the course and work in Wales for a set period after graduation.