The new ‘wellbeing’ magazine for Civic Mission’s Wrexham and Flintshire Public Services Board, working towards community COVID recovery. 

Across our Civic Mission work, we are always looking for ways to help the local community. We have a big involvement with the joint Wrexham, Flintshire, Conwy, Denbighshire, Angelsey, Gwynedd Joint Public Service Boards (PSB), which was introduced to improve the economic, social, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of their populations. The PSB needed a way to showcase their assessment and plan on community recovery post-COVID. The Design Communication team stepped-up with second year Graphic Design and Illustration students to create these beautiful, inspiring magazines.  The first was in 2021 and the second in 2022.

The joint recovery project of the first magazine looks at Wrexham and Flintshire’s four themes: Children and Young People, Environment and Carbon, Mental Health and Wellbeing, and Poverty and Inequality. The magazine outlines how the PSB will build a confident culture of Social Prescribing through training, development, and resources, and developing a dependable system of advice, information, and guidance that meets the needs of young people. Another focus is on improving the community’s green spaces and carbon reduction, such as the Green Infrastructure project by the Public Health team. You can read the full magazine on the Wrexham PSB website by clicking ‘joint recovery project’.  

The second issue was looking at four towns of Conwy, Denbighshire, Anglesey, Gwynedd Joint Public Service Boards and the issues related to the Future Generations Act where law helps us all work together to improve our environment, our culture, our society, and our economy.