The University offers academic staff the opportunity to apply for funding via one Research Development Award (RDA) per academic year. The RDA is in place to help academic staff form productive external research collaborations and to generate outputs from research. Applications may be from individuals or from groups of colleagues (with one colleague as the lead applicant). 

Wrexham University staff on academic or academic related contracts, post-doctoral research assistants/ research assistants and postgraduate research students are all eligible to apply for a Research Development Award. 

Find out more about eligible/ ineligible costs and the application process: 

Content Accordions

  • Eligibility

    Who can apply?

    • Wrexham University Staff on an Academic or Academic Related Contract
    • Post-Doctoral Research Assistants/ Research Assistants
    • Postgraduate Research Students

    Eligible Costs

    Please see the below examples of eligible research activities that can be supported by a Research Development Award.

    • Conference contributions (including orally presenting and poster presentations) to disseminate research (£400 maximum award)
    • Undertaking pilot studies to support an external grant application
    • Purchasing of specialist equipment, data or software that isn’t normally provided by department
    • Meeting with collaborators, new stakeholder group or policymaker.
    • External engagement activities such as workshops, focus groups and/or subsidise travel etc. for such activities
    • Specific training required to undertake a planned research project

    Ineligible Costs

    • IT equipment normally provided by department
    • Open access publication fees
    • Books
    • Cost of patenting for commercial exploration.
    • Membership fees
    • Conference attendance
    • Staff time

    Please note, individuals can only apply for the Research Development Award once per academic year.

    The amount of requested funding should be realistic and necessary to make the activity possible.

  • Application Process

    To submit an application for a Research Development Award, please complete the following form. 

    Individuals can only apply for the Research Development Award once per academic year.

    Once submitted, applications will be sent to a Review Panel to consider.

    If your application is rejected, the applicant will be provided with clear feedback and will be invited to reapply if the research activity is within scope of the Award criteria.

    If successful, the applicant will receive an award letter detailing the cost code which should be used to support the research activity.


    The following includes what you will be asked in the application and how the internal panel will assess the applications submitted.

    Clarity of proposal and research timeframe

    Your application should be clear and detail the research activity you plan to undertake including potential internal or external collaborators and the overall timeframe/dates of the research activity.

    Alignment with University & Faculty strategic goals in research

    You will be asked how the award contributes to the University & Faculty strategic goals. Please ensure you have researched the University Research Strategy and consulted your faculty or department’s research goals and themes before submitting an application.

    Potential for enhancing your research career

    The application should provide details of how this activity will develop your research career; you should reflect where you are currently up to in your research journey and how this funding can further advance your career and research development.

    Potential for generating research income

    Applications will be considered based on how the internal funding can potentially lead to future research income. You should identify what other funding calls have been identified.

    Potential for enhancing links with other institutions, business, community or public engagement

    Applications will be considered based on how the funding can enhance staff forming productive external research collaborations.

    Potential for high quality outcomes

    Anticipated outcomes and any potential impact should be detailed in the application.

    Fully Costed

    Applications should be fully costed; a breakdown of how the funding will be spent needs to be outlined.

    Total Amount

    The total amount in pounds should be provided.

    Support from line manager

    Please discuss with your Line Manager before applying

  • Other Key Information


    Awardees are required to submit a feedback report to the research office upon completion of the funded activity. As a condition of the funding, awardees will be asked to present at a Wrexham University research event such as Open House, Internal Research Conference or Wrexham Talks Public Lecture.

    Funds must be spent in line with the budget provided.