Wrexham Postgraduate Research Students' University of East Anglia Online Training

Wrexham University has a subscription to the ‘University of East Anglia (UEA) Online Training Series’. The training offers research and professional skills training for postgraduate research students in a ‘live-taught’ online format. Training sessions are delivered via a virtual classroom, many on weekday evenings between 7pm-9pm, but with some additional daytime sessions. 

The training has been organised into five modules, each focused on a specific area.  

  • Module 1: Academic Writing  
  • Module 2: Qualitative Research Skills  
  • Module 3: Finishing you PhD 
  • Module 4: Teaching Skills 
  • Module 5: Quantitative Research Sills  

Please note, this training is only available for Wrexham University registered postgraduate research students.  

How to book 

The training series uses an automated booking system called ‘Bookwhen’. The landing page on this site provides information about how to book, waiting lists, the possible addition of extra sessions, how to access and set up the Electa-Live virtual classroom software, which is used to host the sessions, and how to cancel a booking should that become necessary.  

Please visit the booking website and read all the information provided. If you have any problems, want to ask a question, or there is anything you don’t understand, please feel free to e-mail researchoffice@wrexham.ac.uk or simon.d.watts@uea.ac.uk 

In the 2024-25 academic year, all sessions will open for booking THREE WEEKS BEFORE THEY ARE DUE TO RUN at 12pm.