Andy Crawford

Senior Lecturer in Policing

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Andy is a Senior Lecturer in Policing at Wrexham University. With a distinguished career spanning 30 years in North Wales Police, including a decade as a murder detective, Andy brings a wealth of practical experience to his academic role. Following his retirement from the police service,

Andy joined Wrexham University to contribute to the development of the new policing degree. He holds a Master's degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice and is a passionate advocate for fostering interdisciplinary collaboration within the University. Andy's expertise extends beyond the classroom. He has been instrumental in organising annual crime scene days, involving students from various degree programmes.

His research interests include trauma-informed approaches to education, in partnership with the TrACE project, and vicarious and secondary trauma peer-to-peer mentoring with North Wales Police and Clwyd Alyn Housing Association. Additionally, he serves as an external examiner for the Professional Policing Degree at Newman University.

Research Interests

Trauma informed policing, trauma informed research, police interviewing and police investigations

Research Projects

Title Role Description From/To
Evaluation of the Trauma and Adverse Experiences (TrACE)-informed university pilot Research interviewer Interview participants in the research and help to identify themes in the research material 2022 - 2023
Vicarious and secondary trauma in policing - peer to peer support Research interviewed Researching the effectiveness, or otherwise, of a peer to peer support model for use by police officers and police staff to help deal with vicarious and secondary trauma 2024

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
2020 MA Criminology and Criminal Justice Wrexham Glyndwr University

Teaching Interests

Teaching interests are very much centred around police investigations, especially serious and complex investigations, police interviewing of suspects, victims and witnesses and trauma informed practices.

Programs/ Modules Coordinated

Title Subject
Police Investigations POL601
Public Protection POL603
Information and Intelligence POL501
Terrorism SOC672
Multi-Agency Working to Manage Risk and Dangerousness SOC670