Picture of staff member

I wanted to be a children's nurse from a young age, running my first ward of teddies and dolls in shoe boxes as a child. Due to family circumstances I trained as a school teacher, teaching juniors before moving into GCSE English. As a mature student, I later jumped at the opportunity to train as a children's nurse and then a health visitor as part of the call to action.

I am delighted to have the privilege of living and working in North Wales, combining my love of nursing and education to support the next generation of nurses dedicated to meeting the needs of patients and their families and becoming innovative future leaders.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
1998 B.Ed. (Hons) First Class University of Liverpool
2015 MSc Children's Nursing with Merit Liverpool John Moores University
2016 PGDip SCPHN (HV) Liverpool John Moores University

Professional Associations

Association Function
Nursing and Midwifery Council Professional regulatory body

Programs/ Modules Coordinated

Title Subject
Fundamentals of Practice NUR417
Meeting the needs of children and families in acute and chronic illness NUR518
Fundamentals of Practice NUR417
Holistic Co-ordination of Complex Care in Children NUR626