Gilly Scott

Senior Lecturer in Nursing/Post Registration

Picture of staff member

Clinical Experience

My career has predominantly been in Emergency care as an ENP then ANP. I have worked in emergency medicine in the UK and Australia for 17 years,  primary care for four years and then back to urgent care.

I worked for BCUHB from 2021-2023 as clinical lead in central for the Minor injuries units. Left to concentrate on my academic career

Before coming to Wrexham University in 2017, I was the professional lead for four minor injuries unit, two diagnostic assessment units and four community hospitals, both clinically as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and strategically leading in Shropshire.

University Career

I have worked at Wrexham University since 2017 and love it. I have completed my Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Education at Chester, Innovation and technology module and the programme lead module. I am currently on the 24/25 Aurora programme -Women in leadership in Higher Education Institutions.

I am the programme lead for MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, Post Graduate Certificate Emergency Nursing and Post Graduate Certificate Emergency practitioner, which is a great honour.

Out of work

I am from London, I'm a Mum, wife, travel lots, love yoga, have horses, love walking, wild swimming,  rugby and LFC (Liverpool football for those not in the know!!), theatre, reading and Irish history and last but not least love to spend time with friends and family enjoying food and lovely wines J

Research Interests

Simulation based education
Emergency Care
Advancing Clinical practice
Innovation in technology for clinical practice

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
30-07-2001 MSc Clinical Nursing The University of Liverpool

Professional Associations

Association Function
Higher Education Academy Fellow
WAPEN (Wales Advanced practice Educators Network all the universities in Wales represented who offer the MSc Advanced Clinical practice and work with governing bodies and HEIW


Name From/To
ADT -Assessment and Feedback 01/03/2018


Employer Position From/To
BCUHB Clinical lead 01/01/2021 - 01/10/2023
Shropshire community Trust Clinical lead 01/01/2008 - 01/01/2017

Teaching Interests

PGCert Emergency nursing
PGCert Emergency practitioner
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice
Non Medical Prescribing

Programs/ Modules Coordinated

Title Subject
Clinical Assessment, Diagnostics and Reasoning in Advanced Practice Part One NHS7D6
Quality and Service Improvement for the Emergency Nurse NHS7E1
Emergency Nursing Part 2 NHS7E3
Minor Injuries Assessment and Management NHS6A6
Minor Illness Assessment and Management NHS7B6
Minor Injuries Assessment and Management NHS7D1
Complexities of Healthcare in Advanced Practice NHS7D3
Emergency Practitioner Professional Practice and Service Improvement NHS7D9
Emergency Nursing Part 1 NHS7E2