Dr Isabella Nyambayo

Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Metabolism

Picture of staff member

Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics.

Research interests are in human nutrition, food science and sensory evaluation of food and drink. Application of food in preventing diseases malnutrition, degenerative diseases and addressing food insecurity and sustainability. Product design of Free from foods (salt, fat, sugars and allergens), texture profiling and sensory evaluation of the products. Food preference and nutrient intake correlated to taster receptor genes and predisposition to diseases.

Research Interests

Human Nutrition and Metabolism 

Food Science 

Sensory Science 


Food Security 

Research Projects

Title Role Description From/To
Perception of plant-based meat, milk, and dairy products as an alternative protein source Principal Investigator Understanding of the perception of protein alternatives and how the products are doing in the market. 2024 - 2026
A multi-disciplinary approach with leading experts to close the loop in the Welsh Agriculture and Food circular economy Principal Investigator Currently, the Welsh food system relies heavily on animal-based dietary proteins. Meat consumption has been linked to health and environmental concerns and impact. Exploring more sustainable diets to support a circular economy will help to improve the health of communities and environments. WWF Cymru Wales - A Welsh Food System Fit for Future Generations report (2020) raised concerns that many Welsh people cannot afford access to a healthy sustainable diet accompanied by recommendations. Through this consortium, we aim to review these recommendations by: designing and linking food systems from farm to fork whilst improving regeneration of soil, re-localising food system, strengthening food security, and creating economic incentives; implementing the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act mandates; designing training and skills development for agrifood sector; designing food, marketing, digital, and financial infrastructures linking producers and consumers; reducing food waste to improve access to healthy food and collating data to be incorporated into Welsh National Universal Food Framework. The consortium’s expertise includes food science and safety, nutrition, product design, packaging, postharvest technologies, net zero strategy, marketing, food engineering, sustainable financing, computer science, working with small businesses in agri-tech and food sector, and bidding for capital and research funding 2024


Year Publication Type
2024 Consumer Perception of Plant-Based Meat Substitutes, N/A. [DOI]
Nyambayo, I.;Galindo-Pineda, D.M.,;Sarieddin, G.;Bogueva, D.,;Marinova, D.
Book Chapter
2024 Consumer Perception of Food Safety in Europe, Consumer Perceptions and Food. [DOI] Book Chapter
2022 Overcoming barriers to sustainable, healthy diets, Food Science and Technology. [DOI] Other Journal
2021 Trends in food sensory science, Food Science and Technology. [DOI]
Sarah E Kemp;Sarah E Kemp;Sarah E Kemp;Sarah E Kemp;Isabella Nyambayo;Isabella Nyambayo;Lauren Rogers;Lauren Rogers;Tracey Sanderson;Tracey Sanderson;Casinana Blanca Villarino;Casinana Blanca Villarino
Peer Reviewed Journal
2021 Consumer reactions to COVID‐ 19, Food Science and Technology. [DOI]
Sarah E Kemp;Sarah E Kemp;Sarah E Kemp;Sarah E Kemp;Isabella Nyambayo;Isabella Nyambayo;Isabella Nyambayo;Lauren Rogers;Lauren Rogers;Lauren Rogers;Martha Skinner;Martha Skinner;Martha Skinner;Casiana Blanca Villarino;Casiana Blanca Villarino;Casiana Blanca Villarino
Peer Reviewed Journal
2020 Rheological, tribological and sensory attributes of texture-modified foods for dysphagia patients and the elderly: A review, International Journal of Food Science and Technology. [DOI]
Munialo, C.D.;Kontogiorgos, V.;Euston, S.R.;Nyambayo, I.
Peer Reviewed Journal
2015 Food Security in Developed Countries(Europe and USA), PERCAT Research Gala, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 26/11/15. 
Isabella Nyambayo
Conference Publication
2015 Food Security in West Midlands(UK), C-SHaRR Health Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 18/11/15. 
Isabella Nyambayo
Conference Publication
2015 Food Security in Developed Countries (Europe and USA) - Is It Insecurity and Insufficiency Or Hunger and Poverty in Developed Countries?, Bioaccent Open Journal of Nutrition. [DOI]
Isabella Nyambayo
Peer Reviewed Journal
1999 Preparation of water insoluble crosslinked mucilage from ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium), Journal of Applied Sciences in Southern Africa. [DOI]
Isabella Nyambayo;M. Benhura
Peer Reviewed Journal
1999 Depolymerisation of mucilage isolated from ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium) by ascorbic acid in the presence of catalysts, Carbohydrate Polymers. [DOI]
Isabella Nyambayo;M. Benhura
Peer Reviewed Journal
1997 Some properties of ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium) mucilage crosslinked with epichlorohydrin, Carbohydrate Polymers. [DOI]
M. Benhura;Isabella Nyambayo
Peer Reviewed Journal
1996 Use of crosslinked mucilage prepared from ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium) in the purification of polygalacturonase extracted from tomato, Food Chemistry. [DOI]
M. Benhura;Isabella Nyambayo
Peer Reviewed Journal

Professional Associations

Association Function Date
Institute of Food Science and Technology Fellow IFST 2023
Higher Education Academy Senior Fellow 2018
Association for Nutrition Registered Nutritionist 2014
Nutrition Society Member Nutrition Society 2008
Royal Society of Chemistry Member 2007
Institute of Food Science and Technology Member 2015 - 2023
Institute of Food Science and Technology Fellow IFST 2023


Name Description Date
IFST Sensory Science Group Work on short course development on Sensory Science include curriculum and assessments 2018


Employer Position From/To
Coventry University Senior Lecturer Human Nutrition 2017 - 2018
Wrexham University Senior Lecturer 2023-
Coventry University Assistant Professor Human Nutrition 2018 - 2023


Teaching Interests

  • Human nutrition 
  • Biochemistry 
  • Food Science and Sensory science 

Programs/Modules Coordinated

Title Subject
Metabolism NAD506
Introduction to Nutrition NAD402/SES401
Introduction to Genetics, Immunology and Biochemistry NAD405
Introduction to Nutrition NAD402
Introduction to Nutrition SES401
Drugs interaction in the body NAD603
Advanced Research Skills SCI719
Research Project NAD601
Population and Public Health Nutrition NAD503
Blood Science SCI548
Research Methods NAD505