Mark Quilter

Practice Education Facilitator

Picture of staff member

My Name is Mark Quilter, BN (Hons), PG Cert  (Wrexham University practice education facilitator).

Like many people who are passionate about their career, I find that I work at my best when faced with a fresh and exciting challenge. I have spent almost fourteen years working as a nurse, during which time I have experienced working in the community as a district nurse and on hospital wards. I was also lucky enough to take up a secondment position of Clinical Effectiveness Facilitator for Medicine, which required the completion of audits following incidents across the Trust to determine if any change and improvement had been made. This role included aspects of medicine management such as: All Wales Medicines Strategy Group Meetings (AWMSG) and Quality and Safety meetings. This role also required me to create proforma to gather evidence from staff and documentation, this evidence was then used to formulate a report with recommendations for improvement. I work well under pressure and can meet deadlines for example many of the audits and reports written required the collation and final report to meet specific timeframes.

I have more recently, I have taken the role of Practice Education Facilitator, with Wrexham University for the St Asaph campus. This role entails preparing students for practice placements, completing ward-based audit to ensure correct procedure with nursing students and general support and supervision of students during clinical skills and lectures.

Honours and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
06-11-2024 BN (Hons) Nursing Glyndwr University