Picture of staff member

I joined Wrexham University in October, 2023. This is my first permanent position in academia, and I previously worked as a sales representative in the technology and construction industries, as well as a lengthy spell in retail.

At Wrexham, I am the academic link for the Psychology department, as well as the acting Programme Leader for the MSc Applied Psychology course. I also sit on the faculty board, as well as the faculty ethics committee.

Outside of work, I am a keen football fan, and am qualified as both a coach and referee. I used to coach mostly children, however stepped up and coached an adults amateur team before moving down to Wrexham. If not coaching, I'll be found watching Hibernian FC, or the Scottish National Team (for my sins!)

Research Interests

My overarching interest is in the field of personality. More specifically, I look at the differing levels of the personality hierarchy, and look to see how we can improve predictive accuracy of personality-outcome models. I also have a keen interest in group differences, understanding more about what matters for some people, but not others.

I am also interested in the personality of neurodiversity, particularly around Autism. My interest is in the overlap between clinical and sub-clinical Autism, identifying any particular traits that may be more prominent in one of the two. As such, I am also interested in the overlap between the two - as well as the utility of peer-reports in ASD.


Name Role Company
Prof. René Mottus Professor The University of Edinburgh
Prof. Wendy Johnson Professor The University of Edinburgh
Dr Yavor Dragostinov Postdoctorate Researcher The University of Texas, Austin
Prof. Chris Soto Professor Colby College
Anne Seeboth Researcher  
Prof Uku Vainik Professor The University of Tartu
Paddy Maher PhD student Goldsmiths
Dr Alice Diaz Researcher  


Year Publication Type
2024 The ways of the world? Cross-sample replicability of personality trait-life outcome associations, Journal of Research in Personality. [DOI]
Ross David Stewart;Alice Diaz;Xiangling Hou;Xingyu (Shirley) Liu;Uku Vainik;Wendy Johnson;René Mõttus
Peer Reviewed Journal
2024 Is Envy Redundant with Big Five? ‘True’ Correlations and Associations with Age, Sex, Education, and Income in Multi-Rater Data, [DOI]
Yavor Dragostinov;Sam Henry;Roxana Hofmann;Ross David Stewart;ling Xu;Ye Zhang;Uku Vainik;René Mõttus
Other Publication
2022 The finer details? The predictability of life outcomes from Big Five domains, facets, and nuances, Journal of Personality. [DOI]
Ross David Stewart;René Mõttus;Anne Seeboth;Christopher Soto;Wendy Johnson
Peer Reviewed Journal


Employer Position From/To
The University of Edinburgh Tutor 2020 - 2023


Institution Qualification Subject
Edinburgh Napier University BA(Hons) Psychology with Sociology
The University of Strathclyde MSc Psychological Research Methods


Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Native / Bilingual Proficiency Native / Bilingual Proficiency Native / Bilingual Proficiency

Journal Reviewer or Editor

Journal Name Activity
Scientific Reports Peer Reviewer
The British Journal of Health Psychology Peer Reviewer
Musicae Scientiae Peer Reviewer
Current Psychology Peer Reviewer

Programs/ Modules Coordinated

Title Subject
Concepts & Debates in Psychology PSY423
Individual Differences PSY753
Research Project PSY771
Forensic Psychology PSY609
Applied Research Methods PSY765
Individual Differences PSY773
Individual Differences PSY513