Sahan Perera

Lecturer in Cyber & Computing

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Sahan was a banking professional for 13 years specializing in financial fraud and payment security. Taking a career break in 2022, he joined the Wrexham University as a student in the MSc Data Science and Big Data Analytics program with the intention of researching the use of AI in fraud detection. In 2023 April, he was appointed as a sessional lecturer in Computing and in 2024 May he was made a full time Lecturer in Cyber & Computing.  

Sahan is a professional member of the British Computer Society and an associate member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. Sahan holds his IT qualifications from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, UK.

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence in Financial Fraud Detection
  • Topic Modelling of Social Media Opinions
  • Natural Language Processing


Institution Qualification Subject
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, UK Certificate in IT Information Technology
BCS, The Chartered Institute of IT, UK Diploma in IT Information Technology
BCS, The Chartered Institute of IT, UK Professional Graduate Diploma in IT Information Technology
Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka Diploma in Applied Banking and Finance Applied Banking and Finance
Wrexham University MSc in Data Science and Big Data Analytics Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Teaching Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Applied Data Science

Programs/ Modules Coordinated

Title Subject
Developing Secure Software COM 737
Responsible Computing COM 545
Database Systems and Data Analytics COM 736