My current and previous roles have allowed me to engage with academic and professional services staff across both large and complex and specialist institutions on a range of strategic projects including resourcing, student number forecasting, and the development of attractive and efficient curricula leading to positive student outcomes.
I have led student experience strategies and high level actions plans and TEF submissions, and forward planning to ensure evaluation of continuous improvement strategies. I have successfully led multiple times in the planning and development of revised curricula to meet changing needs of students and the sector.
I have also been a leader in a Change Academy venture which saw the internationalisation of university curriculum, co-led with the President of the Student Union a National Student Survey and Student Voice campaign, raising both NSS response and success rates which drove League Table Performance upwards and concretised the ongoing approach. As a Senior Leader with in-depth understanding of diverse pedagogies, professional bodies, models of delivery, and financial costs associated to subjects, I am regularly called upon to advise on strategic priorities and chair periodic and international partner reviews and approvals. My personal values of openness, positive energy, and honesty alongside my collaborative approach and sector knowledge has afforded me success in working difficult problems, and bringing staff and students along to enact institutional change.
Research Interests
My research interests over my career have followed where the opportunity lies or what was most interesting to me including: hegemony, community development, way finding, experience economy, health, policy, rural innovations, and transformative student experience enhancements.
Year | Publication | Type |
2021 | Transposing Resilience in Plymouth Business School, Society for Applied Anthropology. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
2020 | The Bubble Saver: An (Unintended) Example of the Use of Experience Economy to Further Public Health Policy and Behavioural Changes, Tourism in the Vuca World: Towards the Era of (Ir)responsibility Conference Proceedings. Steve Butts |
Conference Publication |
2019 | I Think I Might Die If I Miss Anything: The Electronic Mail Monkey on Your Back, Society for Applied Anthropology. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
2018 | Electronic Mail – On Which Side of the Work-Life Balance Fence Do You Sit? , Vice-Chancellors Teaching and Learning Conference. Steve Butts and Rachel Goodsell |
Conference Contribution |
2015 | Transformational Engagement: The Impact of Becoming a Faculty of Arts & Humanities Dean’s Award Ambassador., Vice-Chancellors Teaching and Learning Conference. Shannon Heaney and Steve Butts |
Conference Publication |
2015 | Meet New Friends for Life: A Transformative Induction Event, Plymouth University Student Life Committee. Shannon Heaney and Steve Butts |
Other Publication |
2009 | Motivational Interviewing: A New Approach to Personal Development Planning, 4th International Scientific Conference Planning for the Future - Learning from the Past: Contempora. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
2009 | New Space Desire Lines: A Tour through the Experience , 27th EuroCHRIE Annual Conference. Steve Butts |
Conference Publication |
2008 | Intercultural Differences and the Heritage Tourism Experience: An Exploration of Western and Chinese Values, Anatolia. Zhen Zhou and Steve Butts |
Conference Publication |
2007 | Developing Intercultural Communication: A University Project, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education. Steve Butts |
Other Publication |
2007 | Living and Working: Finding the Onboard Balance, Cruise Shipping Opportunities and Challenges: Markets, Technologies, and Local Development. | Conference Contribution |
2007 | Final Report: Economic Impact Assessment of the Summer Festival in Plymouth, Socio-economic Research and Intelligence Observatory. | Other Publication |
2007 | Internationalisation: Home Truths and Home Students, All Ireland Society for Higher Education. | Conference Contribution |
2007 | Film: Voices From Beyond the Hoe, VC's Teaching & Learning Conference. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
2006 | Challenges and Shortcomings: Use of the Delphi Technique in Rural Tourism Project Evaluation, Current Issues in Tourism. | Other Journal |
2006 | Rural Tourism: Projects, Environment and Viability, Acta Turistica. Jenny Briedenhann and Steve Butts |
Other Journal |
2006 | Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. O'Neill, K, Butts, S and Busby, G |
Other Journal |
2005 | Intercultural Communication: Tools for Understanding, Workshop for the Higher Education Academy South West Forum. Steve Butts |
Other Publication |
2005 | Utilisation-Focused Evaluation, Review of Policy Research. Briedenhann, J and Butts, S |
Other Journal |
2005 | The Great Cornish Maize Maze: Low Risk, Low Cost, High Yield, Culture & Agriculture. Butts, S, Briedenhann, J and McGeorge A |
Other Journal |
2005 | Intercultural Communication in English Higher Education: Not Waving, Drowning, Europe Inside Out: International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
2005 | Community Attitudes and Failure to Respond: A Hegemonic Model, Pasos: Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Steve Butts |
Other Journal |
2004 | Tourism Administration and Implementation Under Transition: Policy and Practice in South Africa, Tourism and Transition: Global Processes, Local Impacts. Briedenhann J and Butts S |
Book Chapter |
2004 | Public Sector Intervention as the Enabler of Rural Tourism, 13th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research. Butts, S and Briedenhann, J |
Conference Contribution |
2004 | Rural Tourism Innovation and Lifestyle Choice, Tourism State of the Art II. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
2003 | Reinventing a Rural Destination: The Great Cornish Maize Maze, ’ Reinventing A Tourism Destination Conference. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
2003 | Rural Tourism Innovation and Entrepreneurial Skills, Conference Proceedings for the 2nd International Scientific Conference, Sustainable Tourism Developm. Butts, S and McGeorge A |
Conference Contribution |
2002 | Two Steps Forward One Step Back: Tourism Public Policy in South Africa, Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings. Butts, S and Briedenhann, J |
Conference Contribution |
2002 | Studying Up: A Scrutiny of South African Tourism Policy, Practicing Anthropology. Briedenhann, J and Butts, S |
Other Journal |
2001 | Business as Usual: Tourism Development into the 21st Century, Management, Marketing and the Political Economy of Tourism. Steve Butts |
Conference Publication |
2001 | Tourism Policy in South Africa: Potential and Consequences, Tourism Forum - Southern Africa. Briedenhann, J and Butts, S |
Other Journal |
2001 | Good to the Last Drop: Understanding Surfers’ Motivations, Sociology of Sport Online. Steve Butts |
Other Journal |
1999 | Diversion, Evasion, and Subterfuge: Community Participation in Tourism Development, Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
1998 | Dundrennan Initiative Action Plan, Consultancy Report for Dumfries & Galloway District Council. | Other Publication |
1994 | Tortoise or Hare: An Appropriate Pace for Tourism Development, Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Steve Butts |
Conference Contribution |
Honours and Awards
Date | Title | Awarding Body |
01-09-2011 | Vice-Chancellor's Enterprise Awards -Award Winner: Inspirational Contribution to Teaching | University of Plymouth |
Professional Associations
Association | Function |
Society for Applied Anthropology | Sustaining Fellow |
RSA | Fellow |
AdvanceHE | Senior Fellow |
Name | From/To |
Plymouth Area Business Council | 2020 - 2023 |
External Grant Reviewer Croatian National Tourism Board | 2007 - 2007 |
Director, University Commercial Services Lt | 2020 - 2023 |
Employer | Position | From/To |
University of South Florida | Adjunct Lecturer | 1992 - 1996 |
Buckinghamshire New University | Field Chair & Senior Lecturer | 1998 - 2001 |
University of Plymouth | Associate Dean Teaching & Learning | 2013 - 2019 |
University of Plymouth | Head of Plymouth Business School | 2020 - 2023 |
Hartpury University | Academic Dean | 2023 - 2024 |
Wrexham University | Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic Development | 2024 - 2030 |
University of Plymouth | Deputy Dean | 2016 - 2017 |
Institution | Qualification | Subject | Date |
University of South Florida | PhD | Applied Anthropology | 1997 |
University of Kansas | MA | Anthropology | 1992 |
University of Kansas | BA | Anthropology | 1989 |
Other Professional Activities
Title |
Intercultural Communication: Tools for Understanding Workshop delivered for the Higher Education Southwest Forum - 2005 |
Embracing Diversity in the HE Curriculum Workshop delivered for Canterbury Christchurch University Vice-Chancellor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2007 |
Internationalising Yourself and Others: Tools for Understanding University of Plymouth staff development workshop - 2008 |
Embedding Intercultural Communication in the Student Experience PedRIO Internationalisation and the Student Experience Conference - 2013 |
Transforming Ourselves and Others University of Plymouth Staff Development Workshop - 2014 |
I have taught across disciplines including: applying anthropology, intercultural communication, development, experience economy, communication, rural innovation, tourism and events management.