Tracy Simpson

Post-Doctoral Researcher - Ecological Citizens

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I am a curator/project manager of art in the public realm and Research Associate (part-time 0.6) at the Ecological Citizen Network+. I am the Co-Director of Addo, an arts organisation which I co-founded in 2011, which works with a range of partners to curate and manage critically situated art projects in the public realm that enhance the wider cultural ecologies of places, communities, and sites. My PhD investigated collaborative practices within the visual arts with a particular focus on notions of resilience. I drew on case studies, including Addo projects and work with Ty Pawb in Wrexham, to investigate notions of collaborative space/place making. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and a Fellow of the Advance HE. Based in North Wales, I love the outdoors and have been a scout leader for many years.


Year Publication Type
2024 Empowering communities to drive transition to net zero carbon. Civic Partners in Net Zero: Innovative approaches to universities working with their places to achieve net zero targets. , Key Cities Innovation Network. 
Sparke, D., Shepley, A., Knox, D., Simpson, T., Heald, K., Monir, F. Vagapov, Y., & Alonso, C.
Book Chapter
2023 Cultural contouring: how visual arts practice can serve as a catalyst for social resilience in the North Wales Uplands, [DOI]
Shepley, Alec;Liggett, Susan;Simpson, Tracy
Peer Reviewed Journal
2014 Rural Works, 
Simpson,T;Baker,M;Camp Little Hope;Haywood,P;Awst & Walther
Other Publication


Employer Position From/To
Wrexham University Ecological Citizens - Post Doctoral Researcher 23/10/2023 - 31/01/2027


Institution Qualification Subject From/To
Wrexham University Post Graduate Certificate of Education Education 04/10/2021 - 05/09/2022
De Montfort University BA(Hons) Visual Arts 09/09/1990 - 06/06/1994
Wrexham University PhD How artists, arts organisations and communities collaborate: Creating resilient social spaces 23/09/2019 - 22/02/2024

Teaching Interests

Visual and public art, arts in health, and ecological practices in arts and community settings.

Programs/ Modules Coordinated

Title Subject
Introduction to Arts in Health ARD558