Study Support
Wrexham University is filled with facilities and support services to help you succeed in your studies.
From dedicated subject facilities through to areas for quiet study and the resources to undertake research, all students are allocated a Personal Tutor.
Library and Learning Resources
Wrexham University's library offers a wide range of information resources to support your studies in a comfortable and flexible learning environment.
We have over 70,000 books, DVDs and other learning resources in the Library and Student Support Centre on the Wrexham Plas Coch Campus.
Our Resource Finder makes thousands of eBooks and electronic journals easily available to students, as well as a range of other quality information sources on the internet.
E-mail: learningresources@wrexham.ac.uk
Phone number: 01978 293343
Academic Skills
Academic Skills Tutors are here to support you with establishing effective learning habits and can support you with academic writing, critical thinking and referencing. We offer support and guidance on becoming an independent learner. Book a 1-2-1 session tailored to your needs.
We can help you to:
- Develop effective time management strategies.
- Develop confidence with academic writing.
- Plan and structure your assignment.
- Understand the importance of referencing and how to apply it in your studies.
- Present with confidence.
- Guide you with interpreting your feedback from lecturers.
- Prepare for exams with revision strategies and techniques.
Academic Support Librarians
Academic Support Librarians are here to help you navigate the learning resources available to you to find the information you need for your assignments, presentations, dissertation and more. We can support you with hints and tips on how to 'work smart'. Book a 1-2-1 session, tailored to your needs, where we can help you to:
- Get the most from searching Resource Finder.
- Develop confidence in finding books, journals, articles and other resources.
- Evaluate and recognise quality information.
- Review and refine your search results.
- Search the internet effectively.
We are here to enable your skills in finding, evaluating and applying the information to enhance your academic study and prepare you for the workplace.
Digital Learning Facilitators
Digital Learning Facilitators are here to support you with using the wide range of technologies available at Wrexham University. We are here to guide you through learning how to utilise these technologies to support your academic work. Book a 1-2-1 session tailored to your needs, where we can help you to:
- Navigate Moodle to access your course materials, learning resources and assessments.
- Create a PowerPoint presentation of an academic poster.
- Upload your assignment via Moodle or Turnitin.
- Format documents, from assignments to dissertations.
- Download and use Microsoft Office 365.
For more support with digital learning, take a look at our Digital Toolkit.
Our team can offer advice and guidance to help you find the resources you are looking for your studies, from finding literature for assignments and dissertations and searching subject-specific databases, through to support to use eBooks and eJournals and help in how to refine your search.
Wrexham University Library, Postal Point 22L, Mold Road, Wrexham LL11 2AW
Email: learningskills@wrexham.ac.uk
IT Facilities
We have excellent computer facilities located close to where you need them. There are facilities with dedicated course software within subject areas, as well as general open access facilities in the library and study areas around campus. Recent investment has expanded our WiFi wireless access across the whole campus, increasing the flexibility of where you can study.
Our computers have full internet access and we can provide you with a wide range of services, such as your own email account, file storage, standard and specialist applications and printing facilities.
Wrexham University uses the latest technology to the fullest. We have a comprehensive student intranet containing a range of advice and guidance. Many of our courses' lecture notes and programme content is available online through our Virtual Learning Environment, and study materials such as online databases, eJournals and library catalogue information is also available online.
Our IT helpdesk is on-hand to provide help, advice and a number of services to our students and staff, including:
- Changing passwords.
- Help with connecting to WiFi.
- Help with saving work.
- Fixing issues if you can’t print.
If we are unable to resolve your issue, we will log the call and pass it onto our second line support to fix.
Printing Costs
B&W A4 | one side 5p/double side 10p |
B&W A3 | one side 10p/double side 20p |
Colour A4 | one side 15p/double side 30p |
Colour A3 | one side 30p/double side 60p |
Comb Binding (not inc. printing) | £2 |
Laminating A4/A3 | 80p/£1.60 |
For more information about IT facilities and support, contact the IT helpdesk on 01978 293241.
Language Centre
Our Language Centre provides English language courses throughout the academic year to all international and European students, to help them develop and build on their English language skills. It also offers short courses in other languages, and all four skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing – are covered.
The Centre offers an intensive English language programme for international and European students who require additional English language skills prior to starting their course.
English language summer schools are another way of getting to know the University and to immerse yourself in the language and culture during the months of July and/or August.
Furthermore, the Centre runs an exciting variety of foreign language courses at differing levels from beginner to advanced, and the courses are open to all students. These are offered in a growing range of languages such as Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
Modular courses are worth 20 UK HE credits (10 ECTS) and a Wrexham University transcript is awarded to all successful students.
Welsh Language
Wrexham University is dedicated to expanding its education provision through the medium of Welsh. The University is proud of its Welsh roots and recognises the importance of reflecting the language and culture of North East Wales.
Under the conditions of the Welsh Language Scheme, the University offers all of its administrative services bilingually. Upon registration, you will be asked in which language you would like to receive correspondence from the University.
The University is also keen to expand and develop its Welsh language provision. Students on every course are entitled to present work as part of an assessment through the medium of Welsh and to sit examinations in Welsh. You must inform us beforehand if you wish to present assessments in Welsh.
Wrexham University is also host to a branch of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. You can become a member of the branch, which is responsible for developing the University’s Welsh language medium opportunities.
The branch offers a variety of different activities throughout the year and works with our Students’ Union to organise Welsh language events. The branch is also a great hub for you to get to know other Welsh speakers here at the University.