Independent Studies of Science and Technology
IST (Independent Studies of Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 in collaboration with a group of university professors. IST was the next step leading to university level degree programmes. The founders of IST had established SBIE, the first school for health professions in 1967, which led to Level 5 post secondary diploma awards.
Today, IST has an academic structure and organization to rival renowned universities abroad. It operates in state-of-the-art premises of European standards in downtown Athens. The institution maintains close links and has collaboration agreements with businesses and other organisations, in order to provide students with high quality education and enhance their employability skills.
The following Wrexham Glyndŵr University courses can be studied at IST:
- BA (Hons) Business F/T
- BA (Hons) Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management F/T
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science F/T
- BSc (Hons) Psychology F/T
(above dual language delivery, Greek and English)
- MSc Computing F/T