Applying for Uni at an Open Day: Things to Remember

Lots of people like to get their uni application done and dusted there and then at an open day. If this sounds like it could be for you, our Admissions Manager Andy Phillips has some tips on what you can do in advance to make the process easier.
Know the subject area you’re interested in
It’s quite normal to come along to an open day with several potential course options that you’re still considering. One of the main benefits of the day is being able to sit and chat to the lecturers that teach on the courses you’re interested in to find out a bit more about the course, and whether it’s the right one for you after all.
Narrowing down your interest in sport to a coaching or health route on the day is fine, but if you’re interested in art, engineering and science, it might be too much to try and do. Have a further look at the courses in each of those areas before the day, so you know where you want to visit as a priority when you arrive.
Have some ideas written down about what to include in your personal statement
If you want to apply directly to us on the day, you’ll need a personal statement to accompany your application. Having some ideas about what to include in your statement before you attend gives you something to talk to us in admissions about. We’ll help you to refine your ideas into something you’ll be happy to include with your application. Why not check out our tips on writing your personal statement?
Bring along your CV, or a list of your qualifications
Your application will require you to put down what qualifications you currently hold, and having a clear list of what you’ve got will help us and the course tutors give you better advice on the day. That qualification from ages ago that you always forget when you write them down, might make the difference between us being able to offer you a place directly onto a degree programme as opposed to a foundation year route.
A CV is preferable, because having things like the dates when you attended a school or college written down can really save you time when filling in the application form on the day.
Applying for an art course? Bring along your examples
An important part of an application for an art and design programme is your portfolio of work so far. If you’ve got a collection of your own examples then bring them along. This could save you having to visit us again to bring in your portfolio later on in the application process.
Is there something in particular you really want to know? Write it down
It’s easy to forget a question you really want to know the answer to when you’re trying to fit in as much as possible on your open day experience. If you do have some burning questions, make sure you write them down to prompt you.
Get agreement from someone to be your referee and get their details
You’ll need to put someone down on your application form to act as your referee - someone able and willing to write us a little about you and your potential as a student (not a friend or family member). They will need to agree to do this for you before you submit your application, so check with them that they’d be happy for you to give us their contact details and bring them along on the day.
Finally, if you don’t get your application completed on the day, don’t worry!
We’ll take your contact details so that we can get in touch with you after the event and make sure all is going fine and you’ve not encountered any issues.
We look forward to meeting you at our next Open Day!