Is a master's worth it? The benefits of studying a postgraduate degree

Choosing whether to study a postgraduate course can be daunting, but it doesn’t need to be.
There are many subject areas to choose from at Wrexham University, from nursing courses to engineering: it’s all about finding the right subject that matches your passion.
There are two main questions a prospective postgraduate student will want to know. Is it worth doing? And can I afford it?
To help you answer those, we recommend attending an open evening. We hold events both on-campus and online throughout the year to give prospective students an in-depth insight into their subject choice.
Here at Wrexham, we offer scholarships for students who completed their undergraduate with us. There is also a whole host of information on our website of financial information for postgraduate students.
Employability Boost
A master’s degree can increase your opportunities in both your career and with personal development. Our expert teaching staff are highly experienced in their subject areas and are on-hand to provide you with the very best education.
You’ll be able to stand out among your competitors when applying for jobs by understanding your subject area at a higher level. This could translate into a higher earning potential during your career.
Higher overall employment for postgraduates is obviously good news if you're considering a master’s degree but, this still has to be paired with hard work, dedication and passion for the subject.
Great Networking Opportunities
As part of your master’s degree, you’ll likely have the opportunity to attend industry events and network. You never know where you might make a connection if you make a good initial impression.
Whether you're planning to extend your education by doing a PhD or PGCE or you're thinking about finding a non-academic job within a related industry, it makes a difference to start networking early.
Sometimes it really is who you know and not what you know!
A New Pathway
Thinking about entering a new field but don't have much experience or relevant qualifications? Postgraduate study could be the stepping-stone you need.
If you found your undergraduate degree wasn’t quite what you expected, or your subject wasn’t directly related to many careers, you’re not alone in wanting to change direction.
Or, if you have a clear idea of what you want to do, a master's focused on that area could help you achieve your goals.
For more information about all our postgraduate courses, fees, and advice, visit our website.