North Wales Universities

On Friday 29th September, The North Wales Universities held a meeting with representatives from Wrexham, Bangor, and Aberystwyth Universities. The meeting was hosted by Bangor and was an opportunity for the Physics department of Aberystwyth University, the Nuclear Futures Institute of Bangor University, and the CoMManDO Research Group of Wrexham University to showcase work and identify areas for collaboration.

The day set out to strengthen links between the three North Wales Universities in the disciplines of physics, engineering, materials science, and computing in order to generate more critical mass and teamwork across the Universities. 

On the day, Professors Alison McMillan and Richard Day led the presentations from Wrexham University, which showcased the ongoing research projects and expertise of our researchers and postgraduate research students. There was also a dedicated poster session, where Dr Karen Heald presented on the interdisciplinary topic of the links between technology and time.

Moving forwards, regular Teams meeting and a larger meeting will be held at Aberystwyth University with industry collaborations invited. There were many potential avenues where there could be meaningful collaborations, especially with Aberystwyth’s materials research, space exploration, and modelling work. 

Prof. Alison McMillan, CoMManDO lead and Professor in Aerospace Technology says,

"The presentations from Bangor and Aberystwyth were fascinating, and I came away brimming with ideas for computational modelling work."

Prof. Richard Day, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Professor of Composites Engineering says,

“I found the event to be engaging and constructive with a strong sense of wanting to work together as universities towards common goals around nuclear futures as well as more widely.”