(Short Course) Green social prescribing – principles and practice

Green spaces on campus

Course details

Year of entry

2024, 2025


6 Weeks

Institution Code



Blended Learning

Why choose? this course?

This interactive and practice-focused course brings together both social prescribers and those providing ‘green’, nature based activities. The blended teaching approach combines learning materials online that can be accessed at a time that is convenient to the participant with on campus workshops where learning can be discussed and applied.

This course offers the opportunity to not only gain a deeper understanding of the importance of green prescribing but also to enhance professional skills and attributes within a supportive environment.

Key course features

  • Blended learning Network with practitioners from a range of backgrounds
  • Free course
  • Supportive and informal workshops to consolidate learning

What you will study

  • The social and ecological determinants of physical/mental health 
  • Social health and the benefits of connected communities
  • Social prescribing – asset based approaches and co-production in the ‘green’ context
  • The  nature and scope of green prescribing – ecotherapies, green prescribing for indoors
  • Professionalism – code of conduct for social prescribing practitioners
  • Professionalism – principles of motivational interviewing and ascertaining ’what matters’
  • Overcoming barriers – the principles of solution focused approaches

Entry requirements & applying

There are no formal entry requirements for this course

Teaching & Assessment

The module will combine online learning with on campus workshops. Participants should set aside 3 hours per week to complete asynchronous activities and a further 3 hours for the workshop.

There is a portfolio of activities which form the assessment including an online quiz, a learning log and action learning sets

Course dates

4, 11, 18, 25th of September

2nd October

Session times

14:00 - 17:00