Advanced Placements
One of the degree types we offer at Wrexham University is the ‘Master’s with Advanced Practice’. You might not have heard of this kind of course before, so here we explain what it means, who it might suit and why we think it is such a good way to learn.
Why is it different?
For all of international postgraduate degrees listed below at Wrexham University, we offer two variants:
- A standard Master’s degree
- A Master’s degree with Advanced Practice
The Advanced Practice element of the programme allows you to extend your studies to include either an internship working within a company or organisation, or an applied consultancy project, working with a real organisation on a live business problem. This experience will allow you to develop valuable work experience and business insight.
Developing skills and helping you find a career
One of the great advantages of studying a Master’s with Advanced Practice is that these programmes give you real experience of business environments and a chance to use the skills you have learned, in a practical environment, contributing to and learning from working businesses.
Whether it is attending meetings, gathering market research, developing real-world business solutions or analysing recent figures – contributing to a real organisation and communicating with staff will give you experience beyond the classroom.
The Advanced Practice stage of the programme (which may be in the UK or internationally) commences in your penultimate semester. If you start your programme in September, this will be after a summer break. If you start your programme in January or May, this will be straight after your second semester. This timing means that if you undertake an internship at this stage, you will be able to use the insights and knowledge you gain during your internship to develop your dissertation.
Choosing an Advanced Practice programme will give you the opportunity to gain experience of the workplace environment and/or practical experience of the “real world” issues faced by those currently engaged in international business. It will provide an excellent way to put your learning into practice and hence, enhance your employability. It also provides you with an enhanced knowledge of the workplace which will facilitate the completion of your dissertation or research project.
Applicants should be aware that whilst the University’s Work-Based Learning Unit will offer assistance and advice in terms of securing opportunities, it is their personal responsibility to secure internships or consultancies.
If you already hold an offer from us, for a Master’s programme you will be able convert that into an Advanced Practice version after 1st August. The additional fee is £500 for this variant. The length of the programme for the Advanced Practice version is 8 months longer, and this will be reflected in the visa.
To apply for an Advanced Placement Masters, please visit Centurus.
Programmes available with Advanced Practice
- MSc International Business and Data Analytics Management
- MSc International Business and Finance Management
- MSc International Business and Supply Chain Management
- MSc International Business Management
- MSc International Health Services Management
- MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management
- MSc International Human Resource Management
- MSc International Marketing Management
- MBA Master of Business Administration
- MSc Computer Game Development
- MSc Computer Networking
- MSc Computer Science
- MSc Computing
- MA Game Art
- MSc Cyber Security
- MSc Data Science and Big Data Analytics
- MSc Composite Materials Engineering
- MSc Engineering (Aeronautical)
- MSc Engineering (Automotive)
- MSc Engineering (Electrical & Electronic)
- MSc Engineering (Mechanical Manufacture)
- MSc Engineering (Renewable & Sustainable Energy)
- MSc Innovative Design
- MSc Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Technology
Module Price: £1000
To apply for an Advanced Placement Masters, please visit Centurus.