
Below you will find the qualifications Wrexham University accept from Turkey. If you have any further questions regarding our entry criteria, please contact the International Office directly.

Content Accordions

  • Foundation Entry Criteria

    Devlet Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (State High School Graduation Diploma) with 50% or a GPA of 2.5/5. 


    Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (High School Graduation Diploma) with 50% or a GPA of 2.5/5. 


    Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi (Anatolian High School Diploma) with 50% or a GPA of 2.5/5.  


    Fen Lisesi Diplomasi (Science High School Diploma) with 50% or a GPA of 2.5/5. 


    High School year 3 with a minimum overall grade 50%, including relevant subjects.

  • Undergraduate Entry Criteria

    On-Lisans Diplomasi with a GPA of 3.5 or above.

  • Postgraduate Entry Criteria

    Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor's degree) with a GPA of 3.5 or above

  • English Language Entry Criteria

    For further information regarding the English Language tests accepted by Wrexham University please visit our "English language Entry Requirements" page.