International Recruitment Offices’ & Agents
These approved offices are here to help students through their application process.
International Recruitment Offices'
We have recruitment offices representing us in a number of countries around the world. They can give you guidance on choosing a course and assist you with the process of applying to Wrexham University. Recruitment Offices and agents are paid by the University for recruiting students.
Bangladesh Authorised Representative: KS Associates
House # 57/A (4th floor), Road # 4/A,
Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209
Phone: +880 9678-210210, 01896399291 - 9
Email: bangladeshoffice@mail.wrexham.ac.uk
India & Nepal Authorised Representatives: International Edu Council (IEC)
India and Nepal Recruitment Office
Address: Head Office: No.60, Jai Durga Apartment,
Flat 1A. 100’ Feet Road. 1st Avenue, Ashok Nagar,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600083, India
Phone: +91-9025562458 / 9940669932
Email: indiaoffice@mail.wrexham.ac.uk
For applicants who are graduates and/or are students of Londontec City Campus (admissions will be processed only via Londontec City Campus):
Londontec City Campus
No. 6, Pepiliyana Road (Near Gamsaba Junction), Nugegoda, Western Province 10250, Sri Lanka
Phone: +94 112 821 640 / +94 773 849 370
We also have agents and partners representing us throughout the world. Please click on the list below to find your nearest office.
Content Accordions
- Africa
AH&Z Associates
2nd Floor, 16 St Clare St,
London, EC3N1QL
Email: info@ahzassociates.co.uk
Website: www.azhassociates.co.uk
Recruiting students from: NigeriaAMA DOVE
3rd floor, 3, Awolowo way,
Ikeja, Lagos, State, Nigeria
Email: amadoveeducation@gmail.com
Website: www.amadovenigeria.net
Recruiting students from: NigeriaCOVMIND INTERNATIONAL LIMITED
7, Oshin Street, Bodija, Ibadan
Tel: +2348033657952
Email: covmind@gmail.com
Website: www.covmind.com
Recruiting students from: NigeriaDELOY Consulting
19, Awolowo Avenue, Old Bodija,
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Email: deloyconsulting@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.deloyconsulting.com
Recruiting students from: NigeriaELGOLD Educational Support Services Ltd.
Email: elgoldeducational@elgoldgrou12.com
Website: www.elgoldgroup.com
Recruiting students from: NigeriaJestone Educational
Address: 42,Suez Crescent, Abacha Estate Wuse Zone 4, Abuja, Nigeria
Phone: +2348038604616
Email: j.nkanta@jestoneedu.com
web: www.jestoneedu.com
Recruiting students from: AfricaNUSOBNUTALO LTD
Plot 1099 Wuye Road Opposite NNPC Estate Utako, ABUJA. NIGERIA
Tel: +2348085199158
Email: nusobnutaloltd@gmail.com
web: www.nusobnutalo.org
Recruiting students from: Nigeria
Rosewell, Midlothian, EH24 9EN, UK
Tel: 07429 382711
Email: simon@seededucational.com
web: www.seededucational.com/
Recruiting students from: AfricaSlyde International Services Ltd.
Email: Peteradeyemi02@grnail.com
web: www.slvdeintln2.com
Recruiting students from: NigeriaStudy Now
6th Floor, 2 Lakeside Drive, First Central 200,
Park Royal, London, England, UK NW10 7FQ
Email: info@studynow.org.uk
Web: www.studynow.org.uk
Recruiting students from: Nigeria & Kenya - Asia
Adventus Education
Corporate office: 105 Cecil Street #15-01,
The Octagon, Singapore 069534
Email: chrisprice@adventus.io
web: www.adventuseducation.com
Recruiting students from: Global (except India, Nepal and Bangladesh).AH&Z Associates
2nd Floor, 16 St Clare St. London, EC3N 1LQ,
Email: info@ahzassociates.co.uk
Web: www.ahzassociates.co.uk
Recruiting students from: Pakistan & Sri Lanka
BW Business Solutions (UK) LTD
Address: Unit 105, E1 Studios, 7 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DU
Phone: +447507380343
Email: walid.hossain@bwbsolutions.co.uk
Website: www.bwbsedu.com
Recruiting students from: Pakistan & Sri LankaEduquest Education Services
Address: 62A, Jalan Rotan Batu,
Taman Seri Jaya, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Phone: 60166265281
Email: tanboonchuan@eduquest.com.my
Website: www.eduquest.com.my
Recruiting students from: MalaysiaEuro & US Educational Consulting Co., Ltd
Address: Jiulu Campus Southwest Jiaotong University, North Section 1,
The Second Ring Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Phone: +86 13708045001
Email: tracy@swjtu.edu.c
Recruiting students from: China
Meihui Education Consultation
Address: RM 1012 Yifang Building No. 29
Anle Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian, China
Email: dlmeihui@163.com
Recruiting students from: China - Europe
BW Business Solutions (UK) LTD
Address: Unit 105, E1 Studios, 7 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DU
Phone: +447507380343
Email: walid.hossain@bwbsolutions.co.uk
Website: www.bwbsedu.com
Recruiting students from: Europe
Network Educational Services
Address: 84 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, 11528, Athens, Greece
Phone: 302107488131
Email: tutorathens8@network.gr
Website: www.networkfoundation.gr
Recruiting students from: Greece
Study Abroad Education Counselling
Address: 1703 Nicosia Cyprus
P.O.Box 24341.
Email: info@studyabroad.com.cy
Web: www.studyabroad.com.cy
Recruiting students from: Cyprus - Latin America
Address: Apt D-3, Av. Gral M Franco
Condominio San Francisco Norte
Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Phone: (+591) 7698265010
Email Address: sales@bolanda.net
Website: www.bolanda.net
Recruiting students from: Latin America
The Broad Club
Address: Docklands Business Centre Suite
12/3d, 10-16 Tiller Road
Docklands, London, England, E14 8PX
Phone: +44 7933418622
Email: tugce@thebroadclub.com
Address: www.thebroadclub.com
Recruiting students from: Colombia
Address: Calle 70 #5-22, Bogota Colombia, 110231
Phone: (+57) 3194990000
Email: alejandra@volemi.com
Website: www.volemi.com
Recruiting students from: Colombia, Peru, Mexico - Middle East & North Africa
AH&Z Associates
2nd Floor, 16 St Clare St, London,
Email: info@ahzassociates.co.uk
Web: www.ahzassociates.co.uk
Recruiting students from: Egypt & Morocco
BW Business Solutions (UK) LTD
Address: Unit 105, E1 Studios, 7 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DU
Phone: +447507380343
Email: walid.hossain@bwbsolutions.co.uk
Website: www.bwbsedu.com
Recruiting students from: Middle East
Study Now
6th Floor, 2 Lakeside Drive, First Central 200, Park Royal,
London, England, UK, NW10 7FQ.
Email: info@studynow.org.uk
Web: www.studynow.org.uk
Recruiting students from: Qatar & Egypt - UK based
AH&Z Associates
Address: 2nd Floor, 16 St Clare St
London EC3N 1LQ
Phone: +44 7437857195
Email: info@ahzassociates.co.uk
Website: www.ahzassociates.co.uk
Recruiting students from: Global (Excluding India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Nepal)
BW Business Solutions (UK) LTD
Address: Unit 105, E1 Studios, 7 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DU
Phone: +447507380343
Email: walid.hossain@bwbsolutions.co.uk
Website: www.bwbsedu.com
Recruiting students from: UK and Europe, South Asia (except India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal) Middle East and Africa.Edvoy Educational Services - formerly known as IEC Abroad Limited (Global)
Address: 9 Portland Street, Aytoun Street Entrance, Manchester, M1 3BE
Phone: 0161 233 4295
Email: richard@iecabroad.com
Website: www.iecabroad.com
Recruiting students from: Middle East, China, ThailandEducation Seed
23, May Gardens, Hamilton,
ML3 0SS, Scotland, UK
Email: info@educationseed.co.uk
Website: https://www.educationseed.co.uk
Recruiting students from: UK (EU & International), (excluding Bangladesh, India
InterGreat Education Group (Global)
Address: 29, Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AY
Phone: 02038568180
Email: admissions@intergreat.com
Website: https://intergreat.com/
Recruiting students from: Global (excluding India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh)Kampus Group Ltd
56-60 Nelson Street, London, E1 2DE
Phone: +44 7871 915 135
Email: avijit.kuri@jrk-‐iec.com
web: www.kampus-group.com
Recruiting students from: UK, USA, Africa, Bangladesh, Canada, China, India, Malaysia, Middle East, Nepal, Russia and Sri Lanka.Student connect
36 Alie St, First Floor,
London, E1 8DA
Email: zain@studentconnect.org
web: https://www.studentconnect.org
Recruiting students from: Nigeria
We would advise that all applicants research our agents and choose which agent is the right fit for you. The British Council Student Guide for Choosing an Agent is an important resource that can help guide you in selecting which one of our authorised representatives to work with.
1. If you are applying directly to the University or through an agent, Wrexham University or its agents do not charge application fees for any of its programmes.
2. Accommodation offerings are a separate application process and are not a condition of acceptance of a place at the University.
Should you have any concerns regarding your application or if you wish to submit any concerns please email complaints@wrexham.ac.uk in the first instance.