The sports department has a wide range of multipurpose facilities dedicated to research, teaching and performance testing. The Sport & Exercise science laboratory is accredited by the British Associated of Sport & Exercise Sciences Association (BASES). The laboratory is equipped with a range of equipment to support research activity and is used in the provision of the sports consultancy service available to external clients. Our laboratory is equipped with:

• HP Cosmos motorised treadmills
• Monark Cycle Ergometers
• Watt Bike
• Cortex Metalyzer Gas Analyser
• SECA mBCA 515 (Body Composition Analyser)
• Douglas Bags
• Servomex gas analyser and Harvard dry gas meter
• ECG Analyser
• Blood sampling equipment
• Anthropometrical Equipment
• Performance Testing equipment including, Jump Mat, Speed Gates, hand-grip dynamometers etc. 

Our brand new department strength & conditioning and biomechanics laboratory is due to open in Autumn 2023 and will enable a wider range of research on various new equipment and technology. The laboratory equipment will include: 

• Qualysis Motion Capture System
• Visual3D Biomechanical and analysis software 
• Isokinetic Dynamometer
• Force Plates
• Sprint Track
• Power Rack
• Olympic Lifting Bars, Barbells, Dumbbells, Kettlebells 
• Performance Analysis Software