Lee studied for a BA Hons in Philosophy at the University of Liverpool, before then completing a PGDIP in Health through Occupation at the University of Brighton. He then completed an MRES in Health Research at the University of Liverpool.
Lee has held professional qualifications in the AMPS (Assessment of Motor and Processing Skills) and in the full VdT Model of Creative Ability. He has over 16 years of experience as a qualified occupational therapist primarily using the Model of Human Occupation in practice and has worked in forensic mental health services, private locked rehabiltation for females with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder and also has extensive experience of working in a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).
He was a member of a Research and Development Group for a national private provider representing Occupational Therapy where applications for research proposals intended to take place on company sites, ranging from mental health to specialist school settings were discussed. He is currently a member of the Faculty of Social and Life Sciences Research Ethics Committee.
Lee enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking andcanoeing as well as gardening and cycling.He also enjoys visiting new places and especially those ofarchaeological importance.