Lisa Formby

Research Lead - Education

Picture of staff member

Lisa is the Education Research Lead, helping co-ordinate and monitor a range of research projects currently being undertaken within the department. She is also a member of several collaborative research teams exploring topics such as Talk pedagogy, Embedding research and enquiry in schools, Community focused schools, Neuro diversity in the workplace and Trauma Informed approaches and design. 

Before working at Wrexham University, Lisa worked for 3 years at Bangor University on a mixed method research study exploring the diagnostic journeys of men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer in Wales. Within education, Lisa has delivered learning experiences and workshops in a wide variety of establishments including primary and secondary schools, further education, youth clubs, third sector organisations and prisons.

Lisa is passionate about helping facilitate change to tackle inequalities and disadvantage, and to support inclusion and wellbeing. Her previous roles include youth work, transitional support for offenders leaving prison, community development in areas of deprivation, NLP coaching and as a project lead for multi-agency teams centred around complex families in need.

Research Projects

Title Role Description
Embedding Research and Enquiry in Schools Researcher This Welsh Government funded project works in collaboration with the GwE consortium and other HEIs in Wales. It is on its third year with an aim of providing the models, skills and resources to equip all schools in Wales with tools to begin to develop their own research and enquiry journey.
Talk Pedagogy Researcher The Talk Pedagogy project is part of a Welsh Government funded initiative. This project is in its second year, the first year supported schools in delivering authentic learning experiences through the use of research summaries and this year we will be exploring the extent to which pedagogical thinking and practice is changing at a national level, along with practitioners' changes in values, beliefs and practices.
Support for Neurodivergent staff working in UK Higher Education Researcher The research will explore the current support experiences and wellbeing of neurodivergent staff (ND staff) working in UK higher education (HE).
Trauma Informed Design Researcher To explore Trauma Informed Design Principles within Wrexham University


Year Publication Type
2023 Integrating research & practice in schools: an emerging collaborative framework within Welsh education, 
ap Sion, Tomos G.;Formby, Lisa;Horder, Sue;Jones, Karen R.
Other Journal
2023 Teaching and learning in the outdoors: the current state of outdoor learning in schools in Wales, 
French, Graham;Parry, David;Jones, Cath;McQueen, Robyn;Boulton, Pavla;Horder, Sue;Rhys-Jones, Karen;Formby, Lisa;Sheriff, Lisa;Sheen, Liz
Other Publication
2023 Grouping Practices for Learning Support, 
Conn, Carmel;Formby, Lisa;Greenway, Charlotte;Knight, Cathryn;Thomas, David V.
Other Publication
2022 Diagnostic Journeys in Prostate Cancer: In what ways can the accounts of men with prostate cancer increase understanding and improve care in Wales? A qualitative study of men with prostate cancer,  Other Publication

Professional Associations

Association Function
BERA- The British Education Research Association Member


Name Description
Research Development Concordat Working group A member of the concordat working group
Wrexham University Research Ethics Committee Committee member

Journal Reviewer or Editor

Journal Name Activity
British Educational Research Journal Peer Reviewer

Outreach Activities

Title Description
Authentic learning experiences: evidence summaries Talk Pedagogy A playlist designed to support teaching practitioners in reflection and enquiry. It contains a collection of research evidence summaries, each coupled with an introductory presentation.

Other Professional Activities

Talk Pedagogy Symposium presentation at BERA 2023 conference
Co author and presenter of Talk Pedagogy project at the 2023 BERA conference.