Katie McCormick

Course Title: BA (Hons) Photography
Year of Graduation: 2023

UndergraduateArt & Design

Katie McCormick

What were you doing before coming to Wrexham University?

Before starting at the University, I was running my own small photography business, so it naturally seemed to be my next move for personal progression.  

What attracted you to Wrexham University?

As a mum I needed to be close to home to suit my family needs, but I had also seen recent investment into the University which was appealing. Plus, our course had also just taken on a new tutor who bought his own working experience knowledge with him and a new way of delivering the concepts of the course

What was the support like?

The support is absolutely brilliant. You only have to ask for it. I sometimes struggle to get my point across without spiraling out of control, I’m an over thinker, but my tutor has learnt that about me and helps to simplify my ideas. I also reached out for help with my essay writing and had help within days from a resource tutor who talked me through at my understanding. I’m certainly no writer and found this resource so useful.

How do you think you have benefited from studying at Wrexham University?

Over the past two years, I certainly see myself as a different person to when I started. I have learnt to a lot about myself: I would never had pushed myself before to enter competitions and put my work out there, so you could say my confidence has grown massively.  

Pushing myself through course assignments and critical thinking have certainly expanded my hopes for my future too. I understand now what drives my creativity.

Would you recommend undertaking a course with Wrexham University, and why?

I highly recommend a course at Wrexham Uni! The facilities and support are brilliant. 

It is also a welcoming and friendly environment. I have made best friends within my department, and they are now my support bubble.

What have been your career highlights to date?

I’m absolutely delighted to have won the Studio Portrait Photographer of the Year Award at The British Institute of Professional Photography. I was completely blown away when my name was called. I couldn’t believe it especially as I was up against some incredibly talented photographers, who had produced some amazing work.

How did studying at Wrexham University help you?

I have loved my time on the course, it is certainly not what I expected at first but not in a negative way at all. I have been forced to push my way of thinking which has further pushed my technical skill. I look back now, and my work outlook has changed so much. I could never have imagined I would see myself where I am today and that’s down to Wrexham University.

Expanding my vision!

Katie McCormick