Active Learning Framework

Flexible, accessible and inclusive - ALF puts student experience at its heart.

Our Active Learning Framework combines making the best use of our on-campus learning spaces with student-focused online learning content that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

ALF embodies ways of teaching and learning that create and support a sense of belonging for students. It was created by staff across the university and there are a series of ALF champions who guide and encourage their colleagues.

It's important to note, too, that while ALF has proved invaluable during the pandemic, this was part of a wider change at Wrexham which we were already working towards. It's flexible, accessible and inclusive - and like everything we do at Wrexham, puts our student experience right at its heart.

Active Learning Framework video

Our blendedlearning approach

Our Active Learning Framework combines making the best use of our on-campus learning spaces with student-focused online learning content that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. ALF embodies ways of teaching and learning that create and support a sense of belonging for students.

Sophie Roberts

“The lectures have been really engaging despite being remote, and we’ve had exceptional support, and heaps of content online. Additionally, my department had been holding plenty of remote events for us all to stay connected. The fact that the library is still available for use gives me a peaceful academic space to study in too.”

Sophie Roberts BSc (Hons) - Psychology
Student working on laptop

A student's take on blended learning

"It's opened up a whole host of opportunities. We've had lecturers being able to present from their studios at home, files are being shared so much easier, and we're able to have breakaway groups for discussion..."

Connor Robinson

“As someone who is doing a part time teaching course, full time employment and being a student ambassador, whilst also being a father, blended learning accepts you for your real life. The support is there, I found that I have been able to have helpful, quick conversations with my lecturers as blended learning provides that extra time.”

Connor Robinson PGCE
Applied art student in workshop

ALF in the news

“ALF not only keeps our students safe – it is actually helping them develop their practice. It’s definitely something we’re going to build upon.”


“I’m in awe of how quickly and effectively the lecturers adapted to the new teaching methods. I have missed face to face time with lecturers and fellow students but we’ve been finding ways to keep in touch and support each other. There’s a great community at the university that is still there regardless of lockdowns. I hope the change towards more online learning remains. It has given people more time and flexibility to fit busy home lives around their course. Plus less traffic on the roads.”

Adrian Hemstalk BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy