Five Top Tips for Revision

If you have exams coming up, then you’re probably getting stuck into your revision. But we know how hard it can be to get it done without procrastination or distraction.
So rather than spend your week binge-watching the latest series on Netflix, why not read our top tips for revising to help you get into gear.
Who doesn’t love a colour-coded revision timetable?
But please don’t spend hours making one and then run out of time to actually do any work! It’s really helpful to have a plan in place so you know what you’re going to study and when, but it doesn’t need a lot of effort – just a few simple notes will do to keep you on track.
Every little helps
If you’ve got loads of revision to get through, it can be easy to panic and try to do it all in one go. In your plan, try to break it down into much smaller chunks i.e. one chapter/500 words/30 mins and then take a break. If you can make your revision much more manageable, you are more likely to retain the information.
Stick with it
You’ve created your plan for a reason, so make sure you stick to it! Okay, you might have forgotten a really important social occasion or you’ve been called in for an extra shift at your part time job, but if this happens don’t abandon your plan completely, just try and reschedule. You might not be able to fit the revision in on the same day, but try to do it as soon as possible – even the day before if you’re ahead of schedule.
Different strokes for different folks
Everyone learns in a different way, so try to do something that suits you. Most people will have done some form of exam before attending university, so you probably have a good idea of what type of learner you are – if not, there are lots of quizzes and tests online to help you find out. Some people may be visual learners and it may help to make your revision notes more colourful or image-based, whilst others may take more information in by reading notes aloud or working with a partner.
Seek help if you need it
You certainly won’t be the only one who is revising for exams or feeling swamped by coursework. Your course mates are likely feeling the same, so maybe schedule in some time together where you can share your thoughts.
If you’re having any problems with your revision, get in touch with your personal tutor, who may be able to offer you some assistance. If you need somewhere quiet to focus, you can take advantage of the library which has numerous PCs and quiet study areas – find out more about what is on offer at WU in terms of Study Support.
Some people may find that the stress of exams can all get a bit too much - try to take some time out for yourself if you need to, so you’re getting a balance between work and relaxation time.
If you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, don’t forget that you can chat with a member of our Student Wellbeing team in complete confidence or get in touch with the Students’ Union.