Your ‘what to bring to university’ checklist

three students in kitchen smiling

Starting at university and beginning your learning journey is an exciting next step, which comes with a lot of necessary preparation for you to carry out before your first day.  

We have put together a list of some of the essential items we suggest you bring along to Wrexham, should you be joining WGU as a student, so that you have the best possible start with us. 

Study materials 

Learning is at the heart of university and you should make sure that you’re equipped with the tools necessary for you to succeed in your studies.  

Notebook- a notebook is a useful item to bring along to lectures and events, in case you need to jot something important down.  

Stationary- pens, pencils, and highlighters will be your best friends when annotating key documents, organising your workload as well as when taking general notes.  

Laptop- a laptop is a great item, providing you with independent study. Something to note is that you will have access to computers and laptops on campus, if you find yourself needing to use the university facilities.  

Folder- a folder for important documents, kept in a safe place, can help you keep track of the things you need but don’t use every day. You will thank yourself later for being organised from the beginning.   


You may be in student accommodation on campus or living elsewhere in the city, either way, it’s important to bring these bedroom items with you to make Wrexham your home away from home 

Duvet, duvet cover, sheets, pillows and a blanket- having a cosy bed to return to after a long day of learning will do wonders for your comfort and productivity. Our why sleep is important for student mental health and wellbeing blog illustrates how important sleep is for your studying and productivity, and so having a comfortable place to rest your head is a key factor in getting the best sleep possible.     

Decorations- Posters, pictures of your family and friends, fairy lights and knick-knacks bring a room to life. Surrounding yourself with personal items, relating to your interests or your hometown, is a great way of combatting homesickness and can even be a conversation starter when you first get to your accommodation.  

Practical items- clothing, shoes, hangers, IDs, chargers, a lamp, a speaker and bags (for nights out, days at uni and for food shopping), are items that may seem obvious but are sometimes forgotten. A washing basket, clothes horse or clothes airer is an extra investment we would recommend for you to go for to make sure your clothes are kept nice and fresh – rather than them hanging on a chair or strewn across the bedroom floor! 

Bathroom and cleaning 

It’s easy to get caught up with the fun items to pack for university, but there are more than a few things you should be bringing with you to keep your space clean and to keep yourself healthy.  

Medicine- you should bring any necessary medicine with you on top of cold and flu medicine, plasters and antiseptic. Fresher’s flu is a real thing, so make sure to bring the paracetamol! 

Cleaning supplies- bleach, multi-surface spray or wipes, fairy liquid and sponges will become your saviours. You may be in shared accommodation or by yourself, but it’s always important to have these items which you can use in the bathroom and the kitchen.  

Towels- Don’t forget a hand towel as well!  

Loo rolls- A quilted toilet role goes a long way. 

Toothbrush- toothpaste to go along with it and some mouth wash.  

Skin products- face wash, cleansers and moisturizers can add a bit of luxury to your daily routine.  


You might be a pro-chef or a frozen food expert, regardless of which you identify as, there are some essential utensils and kitchen tools to help you with your cooking efforts. 

Glassware and mugs- bring a few glasses of various sizes, along with a mug. We all have a “favourite” or “special” mug, but maybe opt for one you’re not too emotionally attached to. University life can sometimes be a bit hazardous when fragile items like beloved fun mugs are involved.  

Crockery- plates and bowls are a must. We recommend one big bowl for mixing or popcorn as well to enjoy those social move nights in.  

Utensils- knives, forks, chopping knives, chopping boards, wooden spoons, spatulas, teaspoons and tablespoons are all the utensils you should need. If you are partial to some baking, be sure to bring those extra little bits for making cupcakes, cookies or whatever you need for your “signature bake”.

Tupperware- batch cooking can be a really good way of saving some money when preparing your food for the week. Make sure to check out our cost of living page for more tips on how to save some money at WGU.  

Cupboard essentials- you should bring things that have a long shelf life like teabags, coffee, tins of tomatoes or beans, pasta, rice and spices to prep you for cooking with your fresh food.  

Extras- it’s always useful to have bin bags, cling film and foil on hand in a kitchen. These items are definitely the ones you think you’ll never run out of but they disappear quicker than you could have imagined. 

Make sure to check out our sign up and save discount blog for all of the local discounts and student deals available to you in Wrexham and WGU, for if you are getting ready to stock up and start your studies with us.   

We look forward to welcoming you at WGU and we hope that this list will help you get prepared for student life. Make sure to contact us if you have any questions before you get here.