Health & Wellbeing students sit on opposite sides of a desk and discuss their work

Course details

Year of entry



1 YR (PT)

Institution Code



Blended Learning

Course Highlights


in collaborative, interprofessional learning


to reflect your area of practice.


of specialist knowledge in health-related disciplines.

Why choose this course?

The PGCert in Compassionate Leadership is designed to contribute towards a core national workforce strategic theme. To demonstrate compassionate and collective leadership across the NHS Wales and Social Care by 2030 (HEIW and Social Care Wales 2020). This award consists of three modules of the MSc Professional Practice in Health.

  • Address existing barriers through this collaborative model, emphasising person-centered care and leveraging the advantages of inter-professional collaboration to enhance outcomes for individuals in our communities
  • There will be opportunities for students to guide their own learning to reflect the diversity of the student group, both from a professional and an individual perspective.
  • Our approach also acknowledges the varied workplaces and areas the students work within, ensuring that the potential to maximise the impact of their studies is recognised. 
  • Evidence critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights.
  • Comprehensively discuss and provide critical comments on research evidence and scholarship within areas of health.

Key course features

  • Develop systematic knowledge and critical understanding of healthcare from a local, national, and global perspective.
  • Demonstrate transferable skills that are necessary to make decisions requiring the exercise of personal autonomy and initiative: including problem solving, leadership, resilience and reflexive capacity in complex and/or unpredictable situations.
  • Evidence critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights.
  • Comprehensively discuss and provide critical comments on research evidence and scholarship within areas of health.

What you will study

In this course, you will complete three modules. The modules will cover a range of subjects and are carefully structured to allow you the opportunity to develop your critical thinking with the focus on developing your personal and professional self.

  • Compassionate Leadership in Practice: This module aims to introduce you to the behaviours of compassionate, collective, and inclusive leadership practices, through developing a critical understanding of the core concepts, facilitators, barriers and enablers to embedding compassionate leadership within a workplace culture.
  • Innovation and Improvement in Practice: This module aims to prepare you to lead a quality improvement project within your workplace. The main focus of the module is how to bring about successful change using the processes, tools and techniques associated with service improvement.
  • Negotiated Module: Innovative opportunity for you to take control of your individual learning journey and develop your independent learning skills. Through the formation of a learning contract, you select an area of study to critically examine, with a sound rationale for how this is relevant to your professional journey. The focus will be a critical appraisal of evidence for practice and developing skills for continuous professional development (CPD).


You may alternatively decide to study MSc Professional Practice in Health, where you will complete the following modules:

  • Compassionate Leadership in Practice
  • Innovation & Improvement in Practice
  • Negotiated Module
  • Developing Professional Practice and Leadership
  • Innovation and Improvement in Practice
  • Public Health and Inequalities
  • Dissertation

Every module across both programmes are available as standalone.

Entry requirements & applying

Each application will be considered individually and on its own merits. The Programme Leader will make the final admission decision. The entry requirements for the PGCert Compassionate Leadership are drawn up in accordance with the University’s regulations.

  • Candidates must satisfy/hold one, or a combination, of the following conditions:
    An initial honours degree from Wrexham University or another approved degree awarding body.
  • A non-graduate qualification, which the university deems to be of satisfactory standard for the purpose of post-graduate admission.
  • Have relevant work experience at a senior level that is deemed to compensate for the lack of formal qualifications, and have held a position of management responsibility within the health or social care sector for a minimum of three years within the previous five years

In a case where there is lack of clarity or a need to gain deeper insight into a candidate’s suitability for the programme of study, an informal interview with the candidate may be required. This may be undertaken face to face, or via an appropriate online platform. 
This will allow the candidate an opportunity to provide evidence to the satisfaction of the interview panel of their ability to complete academic work of the required standard in the subject area, and to complete successfully the scheme of study proposed.

In addition, candidates who are not able to demonstrate evidence of recent academic study (within the last 5 years) may be made a conditional offer, requiring the student to undertake the Preparing for Academic Success (Level 6) module prior to commencing the Masters level programme. Students successfully completing Preparing for Academic Success can apply for the credits to receive Advanced Standing in lieu of the Negotiated Module in year 2 of the programme. 

Teaching & Assessment

Assessments will be designed to ensure that students reflect their area of practice and professional expertise in summative and formative work, and that there is evidence of emersion and developing expertise commensurate with Masters level study. Appropriate academic assessors will be allocated to facilitate this. 

Assessment methods include, but are not restricted to: Written Assignments, Reflective Portfolio, Presentations, and Reports.

Career prospects

Our Careers & Employability service is there to help you make decisions and plan the next steps towards a bright future. From finding work or further study to working out your interests, skills and aspirations, they can provide you with the expert information, advice and guidance you need.

This course assists health care professionals to develop within the NHS Agenda for Change careers and employment framework, with achievement of Masters level study being a key attribute of those wishing to progress through Band 7 and above roles. 

Emotional intelligence, communication, and leadership will be threads throughout all modules, with compassionate leadership being an indicative learning thread. This is both to reflect the developing professional, the requirement of evidence of masters level study for those pursuing Band 7 (and above), and the importance of developing a sustainable and resilient workforce. This will enable students to explore both academic and professional progression and aims to increase the future employment options of students undertaking the programme. 

Fees & funding

You do not have to pay your tuition fees upfront.

The fees you pay and the support available will depend on a number of different factors. Full information can be found on our fees & finance pages. You will also find information about what your fees include in the fee FAQs.

All fees are subject to any changes in government policy, view our postgraduate fees.

Programme specification

You can see the full programme specification here.

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