Fees FAQs
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- What will Wrexham University’s fees be?
The fees you pay and the support available will depend on a number of different factors. You can find out exactly how much you'll need to pay by visiting our fees and funding pages.
- How have we decided on our current fee?
You can view the Fee and Access plan to find out.
- What financial support is there?
Most full-time undergraduate UK/EU students will be eligible for financial support to cover the whole cost of the tuition fee and you will not be required to pay any money back until you graduate and start earning more than £27,295 per year.
Postgraduate and part-time students have a different set of rules. Click on the links below to find out more.
- Will I have to pay fees upfront?
No, you will not have to pay your fees upfront.
- What does my undergraduate tuition fee cover?
For full-time UK/EU undergraduates, your course fee will cover all those core costs which are associated with your programme of study and which are essential for you to successfully complete the programme. This will include:
- Teaching costs, for the first attempt at each module on your programme.
- Integral work-experience or placement costs which are essential to your programme of study.
- Costs for field trips which are essential to your programme of study.
- Examination costs and exam attendance for the first attempt at each assessment. The cost of resitting, reassessment or repeating the year is, however, not included. There is a fee for reassessments and, students who wish to repeat a year will be subject to an additional annual fee.
- Access to the University library and learning resources.
- One copy in each academic year of enrolment of official documents relating to your student status - this includes your student card, documents such as letters confirming your enrolled student status, your academic results and, when appropriate due to your achievement, a transcript and/or certificate. A fee is charged for further copies or replacements.
- Your graduation (if eligible to attend), and two guest tickets.
- What is not covered by your tuition fee
The following costs will be additional to your core study and will need to be funded by you:
- Personal copies of core textbooks and learning materials you will own.
- Printing and photocopying charges.
- Library fees and charges for inter-library loans.
- Costs for field trips and visits which are optional or designed to supplement your studies - you will be advised of these costs in advance. Costs associated with study or placement abroad.
- Examinations taken abroad at your request (including admin charge).
- Costs for consumables and general resources associated with study or participation in the programme of study (such as studio fees or costume/prop costs).
- Costs of personally owned or leased equipment.
- IT resources such as laptops and tablets.
- Costs associated with travel to study or work placement.
- Accommodation and other day-to-day living costs.
- Professional body membership charges, where membership is not an integral requirement for study on the course.
- DBS / health checks.
- Attendances at conferences or external workshops.
- Costs for Recognition of Prior Learning.
- Fees for resitting, reassessment or repeating the year.
- The cost of academic gown hire for graduation (which is required), optional official photographs or additional guest tickets.
- Duplicate or replacement copies of your student card, documents such as letters confirming your enrolled student status, your academic results and, when appropriate due to your achievement, a transcript and/or certificate.
The above listing is indicative and does not cover all items, but is intended to provide guidance on the reasonable costs of study. Further information and guidance will be provided by your academic tutor.
- What does my postgraduate tuition fee cover?
For full-time UK/EU postgraduates, your course fee will cover all those core costs which are associated with your programme of study and which are essential for you to successfully complete the programme. This will include:
- Teaching costs, for the first attempt at each module on your programme.
- Integral work-experience or placement costs which are essential to your programme of study.
- Costs for field trips which are essential to your programme of study.
- Examination costs and exam attendance for the first attempt at each assessment. The cost of resitting, reassessment or repeating the year is, however, not included. There is a fee for reassessments and students who wish to repeat a year will be subject to an additional annual fee.
- Access to the University library and learning resources.
- One copy in each academic year of enrolment of official documents relating to your student status - this includes your student card, documents such as letters confirming your enrolled student status, your academic results and, when appropriate due to your achievement, a transcript and/or certificate. A fee is charged for further copies or replacements.
- Your graduation (if eligible to attend), and two guest tickets.
- What is not covered by your tuition fee?
The following costs will be additional to your core study and will need to be funded by you:
- Personal copies of core textbooks and learning materials you will own.
- Printing and photocopying charges.
- Library fees and charges for inter-library loans.
- Costs for field trips and visits which are optional or designed to supplement your studies - you will be advised of these costs in advance.
- Costs associated with study or placement abroad.
- Examinations taken abroad at your request (including admin charge).
- Costs for consumables and general resources associated with study or participation in the programme of study (such as studio fees or costume/prop costs).
- Costs of personally owned or leased equipment.
- IT resources such as laptops and tablets.
- Costs associated with travel to study or placement.
- Accommodation and other day-to-day living costs.
- Professional body membership charges where membership is not an integral requirement for study on the course.
- DBS / health checks.
- Attendances at conferences or external workshops.
- Costs for Recognition of Prior Learning.
- Fees for resitting, reassessment or repeating the year.
- The cost of academic gown hire for graduation, which is required, cost of optional official photographs, or additional guest tickets.
- Duplicate or replacement copies of your student card, documents such as letters confirming your enrolled student status, your academic results and, when appropriate due to your achievement, a transcript and/or certificate.
The above listing is indicative and does not cover all items, but is intended to provide guidance on the reasonable costs of study. Further information and guidance will be provided by your academic tutor.
Postgraduate Research students should note in addition to the above, in some cases very specialist software or other facilities needed for their individual research projects may not be already in place, and the provision and funding of this should be discussed with your proposed supervisory team before you enrol.
- Will there be funding for part-time students?
If you’re a new part-time student, you can now apply for a Tuition Fee Loan from the government to cover the cost of tuition. As with full-time students, you only start to repay this as after 3 years and when you are earning over £27,295. Find out more here.
- How and when will I repay my loan?
You will start making repayments of your loan in April after you graduate from your course. For example, if you begin a three-year course in 2021/22, you will graduate in July 2024 and will start making repayments in April 2025 provided you are earning over £27,295.
However, if you finish or leave your course earlier, the Students Loans Company will not be able to take repayments from your wages until April 2022. Repayment will only start on or after the above dates depending on your earnings.
Repayment is always linked to earnings, not how much you have borrowed. Repayment will only start when your annual income is £27,295 or more. The amount you will repay will be 9% of your income over £27,295 per year.
- Will loan repayments affect my ability to get a mortgage?
The Council of Mortgage Lenders has advised that a student loan is ‘very unlikely’ to have a material impact on an individual’s ability to get a mortgage. The amount of mortgage available may depend on net income.
- My fees are being paid by my employer or other organisation; when do I notify the fees office?
You must provide a sponsor letter from your employer in advance of online enrolment in order to become registered with the University. If your sponsor is only paying part of your fees, you must pay the balance in full or sign up to an instalment plan at enrolment.
- Do I qualify as a Welsh domicile?
Persons who have settled status in the UK and have been resident in the UK for three years before the first day of the first academic year of the course, and are ordinarily resident in Wales on the first academic year of the course, will be regarded as domiciled in Wales for the purposes of support from Student Finance Wales.
UK students who move to Wales for the purpose of studying are to be regarded as ordinarily resident in the place (in the UK) from which they moved, these students would not be entitled to support from Student Finance Wales.
- I am having problems getting my tuition fee loan approved by Student Finance
Is there anyone that can help me?
You can visit Student Funding and Money Advice if you have any queries about fees and funding, where staff can help you look at your eligibility and help you communicate with Student Finance. Contact us on 01978 293295 or at funding@glyndwr.ac.uk.
- Student Finance has told me I need to get my attendance confirmed by the University
Who do I need to contact?
There are two kinds of ‘confirmation of attendance’:
One is required at the start of the year: confirmation of registration, which upon receipt allows Student Finance to release payment of maintenance loans and grants into your specified bank account.
If it is for this reason that you need your registration re-confirming, you can contact slcqueries@glyndwr.ac.uk. Please provide your Student Support Number, full name and DOB.
The other kind of ‘confirmation of attendance’ is where the University has to confirm you are in attendance each term. Upon receipt of this information, Student Finance will release the relevant instalment of your tuition fee to the University.
- International Students: how do I use Flywire?
1. If making the payment from a UK bank account or card, please follow the instructions for Students paying using a UK bank account or card and do not use Flywire
2. Create a Flywire account using your Wrexham University email address and enter the required information. You will receive a second email to 'Verify Your Email Address' and complete the setup by entering your name and school ID
3. Select the desired plan option
4. Alternatively, you may opt to ‘Make a one-time payment’ to pay your balance in full
5. Enter the total balance you want to create a plan for
6. The first installment will be due immediately to activate the payment plan
7. Follow the steps shown to select your country and payment method and complete the transaction by transferring the funds to Flywire
8. You will receive email updates and notifications about your payment 8. For consecutive installments, you will be notified via email to return to the site to complete your remaining payments