Alternative Funding
Educational Charities and Trusts
Educational charities and trusts often have specific and unusual terms of reference. They may be restricted to helping, for example, students only on certain courses of study, above or below a certain age (often 21 or 25), from particular parts of Britain or countries of the world, or in defined occupations, professions or industries.
Assistance is more difficult to find if you are a postgraduate or taking a second undergraduate course. Applications often take some time to process, so it’s wise to apply for support well in advance of the course start date
Students don’t usually receive more than about £300 - £500 from any one charity. Charities generally make single rather than recurrent payments.
Payments tend to be for particular items, e.g. tools or equipment, or for a specific purpose, e.g. childcare, or payments that the charity or trust believes might make the difference between completion and non-completion for the student concerned.
Charities are more sympathetic to students whose need for assistance results from sickness or unforeseen circumstances, and many charities only give assistance to first-time students.
Alternative Guide to Funding (AG0)
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding Online is all about alternative sources of funding - especially charities - which can make awards (fees, maintenance, research costs) to any student regardless of subject or nationality.
The site contains a huge database of funding opportunities, comprehensive guidance and numerous tools to help you prepare a winning grant application. Wrexham Glyndŵr University has purchased a licence to the guide, and so it’s free for all students and staff to use! Register here.
If you are a prospective student (i.e. you are looking at courses at Glyndŵr but are not yet enrolled) and would like to use the Alternative Guide, then please email ago@glyndwr.ac.uk for a PIN number to gain access.
More Funding Options
Prospects Funding Guide
Pick up a free copy of the Prospects Postgraduate Funding Guide from your nearest Careers Service, or alternatively visit their website page on postgraduate funding here.
Research Councils
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Further Reading
Your local public library or that of your institution may have copies of publications which do offer details of trusts, charities and other sources of funding. These include:
- The Guide to Educational Grants- Directory of Social Change (DSC)
- A Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need (DSC)
- Directory of Grant Making Trusts (DSC)
Other useful publications and organisations include:
Educational Grants Advisory Service
Tel: 020 7254 6251
Web: www.egas-online.org.uk
Directory of Social Change
Tel: 020 7391 4800
Web: www.dsc.org.uk
The Grants Register, Palgrave Macmillan
Web: www.palgrave.com
This is particularly relevant to postgraduate student awards for both the UK and overseas.
Study Abroad, UNESCO
Web: www.unesco.org
International Awards 2001+, published by the Association of Commonwealth Universities ACU, and available in most university libraries or British Council Offices.
Web: https://www.acu.ac.uk/
Scholarships for Study in the USA and Canada, Peterson’s
Web: www.petersons.com
British and International Music Yearbook, Rhinegold
Web: www.rhinegold.co.uk
Funding for Postgraduate Students
Web: www.postgraduatestudentships.co.uk