The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 is designed to help increase confidence in Public authorities through a greater transparency and openness about procedures and decision making. A great deal of information is already routinely available from the University; FOI expands this to include all information held by the University. FOI places two main responsibilities on the University:

To produce a Publication Scheme

Under the Act, the University is obliged to produce a Publication Scheme identifying all the information that the University already publishes. The scheme includes information such as the University Committee structure, term dates, procedures etc. The Publication Scheme will be regularly updated; any ideas for additional content should be sent to

Content Accordions

To respond to requests for information

FOI gives everyone both from within and outside of the University a right of access to recorded information held by the University. Individuals have the right to be told whether or not the information is held by the University and if it is to have the information communicated to them. This includes minutes of meetings, planning information, reports etc. Anyone can request access to this information, the request must be made in a recorded form (e-mail, letter) and can be given/addressed to any member of staff at the University. The requester does not need to explain why they want the information, it is enough to ask for the information and provide a name and contact details to which to provide the information.

The University has 20 working days in which to deal with the request.

It is important to note that FOI does not mean that all information must be provided in response to a request, there are reasons including Data Protection, Confidentiality and Commercial Interests that may exempt the information for being provided. A full list of exemptions can be found in the more detailed information.

For more information about the Freedom of Information Act read our Freedom of Information Policy.

Internal Review

If a requestor is dissatisfied with the handling of their request or wishes to request an internal review they can contact the Freedom of Information Officer at within 40 days of receiving the University’s response.

A senior member of staff, who has not been involved with the request, will undertake an internal review to ensure that due process has been followed and to determine whether or not sound reasoning in line with the FOIA or EIR has been followed.  A complaint may be raised where it is believed that the University has:

  • Failed to respond to the request within the time limits (normally 20 working days)
  • Failed to tell the requestor whether or not the information is held
  • Failed to provide the information requested
  • Failed to explain the reasons for refusing a request
  • Failed to correctly apply an exemption or exception

The complainant will be informed of the outcome of the internal review within 40 working days, in line with the Information Commissioner’s guidance.  The Review will either uphold the original decision, provide additional explanation of the exemption/exception applied or release further information if it is considered appropriate to do so.

A requestor may also complain to the Information Commissioner at:

Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF




Professor Maria Hinfelaar

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Professor Claire Taylor

Pro Vice-Chancellor

Professor Aulay Mackenzie

Director of Finance

David Elcock

Director of Operations

Lynda Powell

Director of Human Resources

Peter Gibbs

Legal Services Adviser

Joy Morton