Information Security Training
The Information Security Awareness course provides all staff and research postgraduates with an overview of the main issues relating to holding and using data securely.
The course will take about 30/45 minutes to complete and can be done in stages if you wish. Topics covered are:
- Reasons why we need to protect information.
- Physical security and good practice.
- Accessing and sharing information.
- Threats and protection.
- Working away from your desk.
- Your responsibilities.
Information Security for Research Data is a supplementary training module for research postgraduates and staff who work with research data. The 15-minute training covers topics including:
- Processing personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
- Contractual issues about how research data is to be processed and stored, including technical considerations.
- Considering how you will collect, process and store (including backups) research data.
Data Protection & FOI
This workshop looks at the practical implications of the Data Protection Act (including the new General Data Protection Regulations coming into force in May 2018) and Freedom of Information legislation.
During the workshop, we will discuss the main principles of the law and encourage you to relate them to your work. The aim of the workshop is to increase your knowledge and understanding of the legislation and to provide practical advice on how to be compliant. The course is an introductory-level workshop explaining the key elements of the legislation and the key implications for your work.
At the end of this session it is intended that you will have:
- Gained a basic understanding of the relevant legislation.
- Increased your awareness of the right of access to information.
- Developed your knowledge on what rules of good information handling consist of.
- Developed your knowledge and understanding of some simple techniques to help manage information.
Bespoke Training
If there is a specific need for a training session for your office or department, this can be organised. Please contact the dpo@glyndwr.ac.uk or our HR department at ali.bloomfield@glyndwr.ac.uk to discuss your needs.
Bespoke sessions can be organised for the Academic Office, academic staff, postgraduate research students, the Finance Department, registry services, the Communications, Marketing and Recruitment Department and the Alumni Relations Office. The content of training sessions is altered for each session to ensure that it is relevant to the attendees.
We are also happy to attend team / college / department meetings to discuss particular issues and provide relevant guidance.
Areas we can cover include:
- Data protection and the new legislation that comes into force in May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Freedom of information.
- Information security (please contact IT for technical security).
- Privacy by design and ensuring your project is legally compliant.