Colin Jackson visits brand new lab space at Wrexham Glyndwr University
Date: November 2022
On the final day of graduation 2022, WGU Chancellor Colin Jackson visited campus to join in the celebrations. In between ceremonies, he made a trip down the corridor to the brand new lab space implemented as part of Glyndwr’s Campus 2025 strategy.
Touring the facilities, Colin said: “It’s great to see such up to date facilities at Glyndwr and exciting that there’s more to come as well”
Talking of the planning and building process, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr Neil Pickles said: “In the autumn of 2021, the University obtained £750,000 from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) to redesign the science laboratories. Overseen by a project board and consultation with staff and students, work began in May 2022.
“The work was completed by the beginning of October 2022 in time for the start of the academic year. The result is two laboratories and a preparation room, with bespoke fit for purpose laboratory furniture and equipment in high quality, digitally enhanced spaces. As well as the refurbishment of the space and the installation of brand-new equipment, viewing windows to the labs have been installed to enable other students, staff and visitors to observe activities taking place.”
Dean of Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology, Professor Alec Shepley said: “The two new Science Labs at Glyndwr University represent a really important investment in our students, in our Teaching and in our Research in the Applied Sciences in the Faculty of Arts, Science & Technology and I am delighted that the University and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) were able to fund this significant campus development.
“Our Faculty plan is all about creating the right conditions for great teaching and great research and these new labs provide a state of the art physical and digital environment to enable our students to excel and to progress into their chosen careers.”