Criminology, Law, & Policing
The strong team within Criminology, Law, and Policing have a wealth of experience working with experts by experience and vulnerable populations, especially prison-leavers. Their research focuses on pertinent social issues, often working with Welsh Government to shape policy, and regularly includes minoritized or excluded voices.
Recently, members of the team partnered with Public Health Wales to create and launch a brand new animation explainer on trauma – the video is an excellent resource to help services or businesses become more trauma-informed, and Wrexham University is the first university in Wales to be evaluated by Public Health Wales. This work links closely to our Civic Mission of becoming a trauma-informed institution.
The research in this department is undertaken with the ethos of social inclusion, fitting within the new Social Inclusion Research Centre: Cyfiawnder, launched in January 2023. Take a look at Cyfiawnder web pages for the latest research on Welsh housing policy and preventing homelessness amongst prison leavers.
Content Accordions
- Recent Publications
Gorden, C., & Hughes, C. (2025) Transgender people in prison in England and Wales: policy and practice in a culture of penal populism In Maycock et al. ‘Transgender People Involved with Carceral Systems International Perspectives’. Routledge.
Hernandez, P. (2024). The revival of evidential relevance: Overcoming myths and misconceptions. CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW, (7), 458-470.
Hughes, R., Hughes, C., Dubberley, S., Prescott, J., White, C., Crawford, A., & Formby, L. (2023). Evaluation of the Trauma and Adverse Experiences (TrACE)-informed university pilot
Brierley-Sollis, T. (2023). Trauma Informed Practice in the Welsh Youth Justice Service In Social Work in Wales (pp. 105-116). Policy Press.
Livingston, Wulf, Madoc-Jones, Iolo, Holloway, Katy, Perkins, Andy, Buhociu, Marian and Murray, R (2023) 24-month Review of the Introduction of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol in Wales.
Gorden, Caroline, Lockwood, Kelly, Madoc-Jones, Iolo, Dubberley, Sarah, Hughes, Caroline, Washington-Dyer, Karen, Wilding, Mark and Ahmed, Anya (2020) Preventing homelessness among women prison leavers in Wales. European Journal of Criminology. ISSN 1741-2609
Gorden, Caroline, Stanton-Jones, Hannah, Harrison, Jodie and Parry, Hannah (2020) Experiences of young people with harmful sexual behaviours in a residential treatment programme: a qualitative study. Journal Journal of Sexual Aggression. ISSN 1742-6545