Professor Iolo Madoc-Jones, Dr Caroline Gorden, and Andy Jones are undertaking a review of North Wales Police’s performance on enforcing the ban on fox hunting with hounds.  

The 2004 Hunting Act introduced a ban on hunting foxes with hounds. This independent review examines how that legislation is being enforced in North Wales. It is not about whether the ban is a right or wrong. Specifically, this independent review explores: 

  1. What are the enforcement and prosecutorial challenges linked to the legal provisions in the Hunting Act 2004 that arise for the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service? 
  2. What constitutes good practice in relation to policing the hunting ban?  
  3. How well do North Wales Police perform in relation to incidents associated with fox hunting that are brought to their attention? 
  4. How well do North Wales Police comply with National Standards in relation to recording, responding, investigating and prosecuting incidents in connection with fox hunting? 

The team undertaking the review will be: 

  • Conducting a survey to give as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute to the review 
  • Reviewing case files on incidents linked to hunting held by North Wales Police
  • Interviewing key stakeholders