University Research Ethics Committee

The University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) are responsible for receiving details and considering the ethical aspects of University research projects where the degree of ethical risk is considered more than minimal risk and where the research does not fall solely under the remit of another review body.

The Committee meet once a month to review applications considered more than minimal risk. The Committee is chaired by Professor Iolo Madoc-Jones and made up of academic staff from across the University and external lay members.

Please refer to the below application deadlines and committee meeting dates if your research project could be potentially more than minimal risk.

Application Deadline

Committee Dates

Monday 8th July

Monday 5th August

Monday 5th August

Tuesday 3rd September

Monday 2nd September

Wednesday 2nd October

Monday 7th October

Tuesday 5th November

Monday 4th November

Thursday 5th December

Monday 2nd December

Monday 6th January

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 3rd February 2025

Tuesday 4th March 2025

Monday 3rd March 2025

Tuesday 1st April 2025

Monday 7th April 2025

Thursday 8th May 2025

Monday 5th May 2025

Friday 6th June 2025

Monday 2nd June 2025

Wednesday 2nd July 2025

Monday 7th July 2025

Wednesday 6th August 2025


University Research Ethics Committee Terms of Reference.

Expedited Review

An expedited review is when an application requires a full committee review quickly. UREC will only permit an expedited review in exceptional cases, which are clearly justified. Exceptions may include external drivers which are outside the control of the researcher. An expedited review request must be submitted to the Chair of the committee alongside your application to

Faculty Research Ethics Committees

The Faculty Research Ethics Committees are responsible for receiving details and considering the ethical aspects of University research projects where the degree of ethical risk is considered minimal risk, and where they do not fall solely under the remit of another review body.

The University has two Faculty Research Ethics Committees. The Faculty of Social and Life Sciences Research Ethics Committee is chaired by Professor Mandy Robbins. The Faculty of Arts, Science & Technology Research Ethics Committee is chaired by Dr Karen Heald. Both committees have a diverse membership of academic staff from across the faculty.

Applications received to the Faculty Research Ethics Committee are reviewed remotely and do not require a hearing at a formal committee meeting.

Faculty of Social and Life Sciences Research Ethics Committee-

Faculty of Arts, Science & Technology Research Ethics Committee-

Faculty Research Ethics Committee Terms of Reference

Appeals Procedure

A researcher may appeal against a decision of a Faculty or University Research Ethics Committee concerning their application on any of the following conditions: If an application is rejected or the conditions required are unacceptable to the applicant for justified research reasons.

Please see the University Appeals Procedure